Source code for abstract.discretization

# Copyright (c) 2011-2016 by California Institute of Technology
# Copyright (c) 2016 by The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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"""Algorithms related to discretization of continuous dynamics.

See Also
import copy
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import pprint
import typing as _ty
import warnings

import numpy as np
import polytope as pc
import polytope.plot as _pplt
import scipy.sparse as sp

import tulip.abstract.feasible as _fsb
import tulip.abstract.plot as _aplt
import tulip.abstract.prop2partition as _p2p
import as _graphics
plt = _graphics._plt
_mpl = _graphics._mpl
import tulip.hybrid as _hyb
import tulip.transys as trs

__all__ = [

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
debug = False
Polytope = (
    pc.Polytope |
SystemDynamics = (
    _hyb.LtiSysDyn |
PPP = _p2p.PropPreservingPartition
FTS = trs.FiniteTransitionSystem

class AbstractSwitched:
    """Abstraction of `SwitchedSysDyn`.

    This class stores also mode-specific and
    common information.


    - `ppp`: merged partition, if any
      Preserves both propositions and dynamics

    - `ts`: common `TS`, if any

    - `ppp2ts`: map from `ppp.regions` to `ts.states`

    - `modes`: `dict` of `{mode: AbstractPwa}`

    - `ppp2modes`: map from `ppp.regions` to
      `modes[mode].ppp.regions` of the form:

      mode: list

      where `list` has same indices as `ppp.regions` and
      elements in each `list` are indices of regions in
      each `modes[mode].ppp.regions`.

      - type: `dict`

    Each partition corresponds to some mode.
    (for switched systems)

    In each mode, a `PwaSysDyn` is active.

    def __init__(
                PPP |
                FTS |
                dict |
                dict[..., list] |
        if modes is None:
            modes = dict()
        self.ppp = ppp
        self.ts = ts
        self.ppp2ts = ppp2ts
        self.modes = modes
        self.ppp2modes = ppp2modes

    def __str__(self):
        s = (
            'Abstraction of switched system\n'
            f'common PPP:\n{self.ppp}'
            f'common ts:\n{self.ts}')
        items = [s]
        for mode, ab in self.modes.items():
                f'mode: {mode}'
                f', with abstraction:\n{ab}')
        return ''.join(items)

    def ppp2pwa(
            ) -> tuple[
        """Return original `Region` containing `Region` `i` in `mode`.

        @param mode:
            key of `modes`
        @param i:
            Region index in common partition `ppp.regions`
            tuple `(j, region)` of:
            - index `j` of `Region` and
            - `Region` object

            in `modes[mode].ppp.regions`
        region_idx = self.ppp2modes[mode][i]
        ab = self.modes[mode]
        return ab.ppp2pwa(region_idx)

    def ppp2sys(
            ) -> tuple[
        """Return index of active PWA subsystem in `mode`,

        @param mode:
            key of `modes`
        @param i:
            Region index in common partition `ppp.regions`.
            tuple `(j, subsystem)` of:
            - index `j` of PWA `subsystem`
            - `LtiSysDyn` object `subsystem`
        region_idx = self.ppp2modes[mode][i]
        ab = self.modes[mode]
        return ab.ppp2sys(region_idx)

    def plot(
            ) -> list['_mpl.axes.Axes']:
        """Plot mode partitions and merged partition, if one exists.

        For details read `AbstractPwa.plot`.
        axs = list()
        color_seed = 0
        # merged partition exists ?
        if self.ppp is not None:
            for mode in self.modes:
                env_mode, sys_mode = mode
                edge_label = dict(
                ax = _plot_abstraction(
                    self.ppp, self.ts, self.ppp2ts,
                    edge_label, only_adjacent, ax)
        # plot mode partitions
        for mode, ab in self.modes.items():
            ax = ab.plot(
                show_ts, only_adjacent, color_seed)
                f'Abstraction for mode: {mode}')
        #if isinstance(self.ts, dict):
        #    for ts in self.ts:
        #        ax = ts.plot()
        #        axs.append(ax)
        return axs

class AbstractPwa:
    """Discrete abstraction of PWA dynamics, with attributes:

    - `ppp`: Partition into Regions.
      Each Region corresponds to
      a discrete state of the abstraction

      - type: `PropPreservingPartition`

    - `ts`: Finite transition system abstracting
      the continuous system.
      Each state corresponds to a Region in `ppp.regions`.
      It can be fed into discrete synthesis algorithms.

      - type: `FTS`

    - `ppp2ts`: bijection between `ppp.regions` and `ts.states`.
      Has common indices with `ppp.regions`.
      Elements are states in `ts.states`.
      (usually each state is a `str`)

      - type: `list` of states

    - `pwa`: system dynamics

      - type: `PwaSysDyn`

    - `pwa_ppp`: partition preserving both:

      - propositions and
      - domains of PWA subsystems

      Used for non-conservative planning.
      If just `LtiSysDyn`, then the only difference
      of `pwa_ppp` from `orig_ppp` is convexification.

      - type: `PropPreservingPartition`

    - `orig_ppp`: partition preserving only propositions
      i.e., agnostic of dynamics

      - type: `PropPreservingPartition`

    - `disc_params`: parameters used in discretization that
      should be passed to the controller refinement
      to ensure consistency

      - type: dict

    If any of the above is not given,
    then it is initialized to `None`.

    1. There could be some redundancy in `ppp` and `ofts`,
       in that they are both decorated with propositions.
       This might be useful to keep each of
       them as functional units on their own
       (possible to change later).

    2. The 'Pwa' in `AbstractPwa` includes `LtiSysDyn`
       as a special case.
    def __init__(
        if disc_params is None:
            disc_params = dict()
        self.ppp = ppp
        self.ts = ts
        self.ppp2ts = ppp2ts
        # pwa
        self.pwa = pwa
        self.pwa_ppp = pwa_ppp
        self._ppp2pwa = ppp2pwa
        self._ppp2sys = ppp2sys
        # mapping
        self.orig_ppp = orig_ppp
        self._ppp2orig = ppp2orig
        # original_regions -> pwa_ppp
        # ppp2orig -> ppp2pwa_ppp
        # ppp2pwa -> ppp2pwa_sys
        self.disc_params = disc_params

    def __str__(self):
        return (
            f'{self.ppp}{self.ts}' +
            30 * '-' + '\n'
            'Map PPP Regions ---> TS states:\n'
            'Map PPP Regions ---> PWA PPP Regions:\n'
            'Map PPP Regions ---> PWA Subsystems:\n'
            'Map PPP Regions ---> Original PPP Regions:\n'
            'Discretization Options:\n\t'

    def ts2ppp(self, state):
        region_index = self.ppp2ts.index(state)
        region = self.ppp[region_index]
        return (region_index, region)

    def ppp2trans(
            ) -> tuple[
        """Return the transition set constraint and active subsystem,

        for non-conservative planning.
        reg_idx, pwa_region = self.ppp2pwa(region_index)
        sys_idx, sys = self.ppp2sys(region_index)
        return pwa_region, sys

    def ppp2pwa(
            ) -> tuple[
        """Return dynamics and predicate-preserving region

        and its index for PWA subsystem active in given region.

        The returned region is the `trans_set` used for
        non-conservative planning.

        @param region_index:
            index in `ppp.regions`.
        j = self._ppp2pwa[region_index]
        pwa_region = self.pwa_ppp[j]
        return (j, pwa_region)

    def ppp2sys(
            ) -> tuple[
        """Return index and PWA subsystem active in indexed region.

        Semantics: `j`-th sub-system is active in `i`-th Region,
        where `j = ppp2pwa[i]`

        @param region_index:
            index in `ppp.regions`.
        # LtiSysDyn ?
        if self._ppp2sys is None:
            return (0, self.pwa)
        subsystem_idx = self._ppp2sys[region_index]
        subsystem = self.pwa.list_subsys[subsystem_idx]
        return (subsystem_idx, subsystem)

    def ppp2orig(
            ) -> tuple[
        """Return index and region of original partition.

        The original partition is without any dynamics,
        not even the PWA domains, only the polytopic predicates.

        @param region_index:
            index in `ppp.regions`.
        j = self._ppp2orig[region_index]
        orig_region = self.orig_ppp[j]
        return (j, orig_region)

    def _ppp2other_str(
            ) -> str:
        if ppp2other is None:
            return ''
        c = list()
        for i, other in enumerate(ppp2other):
            c.append(f'\t\t{i} -> {other}\n')
        return ''.join(c)

    def _debug_str_(self) -> str:
        return (
            '(PWA + Prop)-Preserving Partition'
            'Original Prop-Preserving Partition'

    def plot(
                int |
            ) -> '_mpl.axes.Axes':
        """Plot partition and optionally feasible transitions.

        @param show_ts:
            plot feasible transitions on partition
        @param only_adjacent:
            plot feasible transitions only
            between adjacent regions. This reduces clutter,
            but if `horizon > 1` and not all horizon used,
            then some transitions could be hidden.
        ax = _plot_abstraction(
            self, show_ts, only_adjacent, color_seed)
        return ax

    def verify_transitions(self) -> None:'verifying transitions...')
        for from_state, to_state in self.ts.transitions():
            i, from_region = self.ts2ppp(from_state)
            j, to_region = self.ts2ppp(to_state)
            trans_set, sys = self.ppp2trans(i)
            params = {'N', 'close_loop', 'use_all_horizon'}
            disc_params = {
                k: v
                for k, v in self.disc_params.items()
                if k in params}
            s0 = _fsb.solve_feasible(
                from_region, to_region, sys,
            msg = f'{i} ---> {j}'
            if not from_region <= s0:
                    f'incorrect transition: {msg}')
                isect = from_region.intersect(s0)
                ratio = isect.volume /from_region.volume
                    f'intersection volume: {ratio} %')
                    f'correct transition: {msg}')

def _plot_abstraction(
        ) -> _ty.Union[
    if ab.ppp is None or ab.ts is None:
        warnings.warn('Either ppp or ts is None.')
    if show_ts:
        ts = ab.ts
        ppp2ts = ab.ppp2ts
        ts = None
        ppp2ts = None
    ax = ab.ppp.plot(
    # ax = self.ts.plot()
    return ax

[docs] def discretize( part: PPP, ssys: SystemDynamics, N: int=10, min_cell_volume: float=0.1, closed_loop: bool=True, conservative: bool=False, max_num_poly: int=5, use_all_horizon: bool=False, trans_length: int=1, remove_trans: bool=False, abs_tol: float=1e-7, plotit: bool=False, save_img: bool=False, cont_props: list[pc.Polytope] | None=None, plot_every: int=1, simu_type: _ty.Literal[ 'bi', 'dual'] ='bi' ) -> AbstractPwa: """Refine the partition via bisimulation or dual-simulation. Refines the partition via either: - bisimulation, or - dual-simulation algorithms, and establish transitions based on reachability analysis. Reference ========= [NOTM12]( Relevant ======== `prop2partition.pwa_partition`, `prop2partition.part2convex` @param N: horizon length @param min_cell_volume: the minimum volume of cells in the resulting partition. @param closed_loop: boolean indicating whether the `closed loop` algorithm should be used. (default is `True`) @param conservative: - `True`: force sequence in reachability analysis to stay inside starting cell - `False`: safety is ensured by keeping the sequence inside a convexified version of the original proposition-preserving cell. @param max_num_poly: maximum number of polytopes in a region to use in reachability analysis. @param use_all_horizon: in closed-loop algorithm: if we should look for reachability also in less than `N` steps. @param trans_length: the number of polytopes allowed to cross in a transition. A value of `1` checks transitions only between neighbors, a value of `2` checks neighbors of neighbors and so on. @param remove_trans: if `True`, then remove the found transitions between non-neighbors. @param abs_tol: maximum volume for an "empty" polytope @param plotit: plot partitioning as it evolves @param save_img: save snapshots of partitioning to PDF files, requires `plotit=True` @param cont_props: continuous propositions to plot @param simu_type: - `'bi'` (default): use bisimulation partition - `'dual'`: use dual-simulation partition """ match simu_type: case 'bi': _discretize = _discretize_bi case 'dual': _discretize = _discretize_dual case _: raise ValueError( 'Unknown simulation ' f'type: "{simu_type}"') return _discretize( part, ssys, N, min_cell_volume, closed_loop, conservative, max_num_poly, use_all_horizon, trans_length, remove_trans, abs_tol, plotit, save_img, cont_props, plot_every)
def _discretize_bi( part: PPP, ssys: SystemDynamics, N: int=10, min_cell_volume: float=0.1, closed_loop: bool=True, conservative: bool=False, max_num_poly: int=5, use_all_horizon: bool=False, trans_length: int=1, remove_trans: bool=False, abs_tol: float=1e-7, plotit: bool=False, save_img: bool=False, cont_props: list[pc.Polytope] | None=None, plot_every: int=1 ) -> AbstractPwa: """Refine partition, based on reachability analysis. Refines the partition, and establishes transitions based on reachability analysis. Use bi-simulation algorithm. Reference ========= 1. [NOTM12]( 2. Wagenmaker, A. J.; Ozay, N. "A Bisimulation-like Algorithm for Abstracting Control Systems." 54th Annual Allerton Conference on CCC 2016 Relevant ======== `prop2partition.pwa_partition`, `prop2partition.part2convex` @param N: horizon length @param min_cell_volume: the minimum volume of cells in the resulting partition. @param closed_loop: boolean indicating whether the `closed loop` algorithm should be used. (default is `True`) @param conservative: - `True`: force sequence in reachability analysis to stay inside the starting cell - `False` (default): safety is ensured by keeping the sequence inside a convexified version of the original proposition-preserving cell. @param max_num_poly: maximum number of polytopes in a region to use in reachability analysis. @param use_all_horizon: in closed-loop algorithm: if we should look for reachability also in less than `N` steps. @param trans_length: the number of polytopes allowed to cross in a transition. A value of `1` checks transitions only between neighbors, a value of `2` checks neighbors of neighbors and so on. @param remove_trans: if `True`, then remove the found transitions between non-neighbors. @param abs_tol: maximum volume for an "empty" polytope @param plotit: plot partitioning as it evolves @param save_img: save snapshots of partitioning to PDF files, `requires plotit=True` @param cont_props: continuous propositions to plot """ start_time = os.times()[0] orig_ppp = part min_cell_volume = ( min_cell_volume / np.finfo(np.double).eps * np.finfo(np.double).eps) ispwa = isinstance(ssys, _hyb.PwaSysDyn) islti = isinstance(ssys, _hyb.LtiSysDyn) if ispwa: part, ppp2pwa, part2orig = _p2p.pwa_partition(ssys, part) else: part2orig = range(len(part)) # Save original polytopes, require them to be convex if conservative: orig_list = None orig = [0] else: part, new2old = _p2p.part2convex(part) # convexify part2orig = [part2orig[i] for i in new2old] # map new regions to pwa subsystems if ispwa: ppp2pwa = [ppp2pwa[i] for i in new2old] remove_trans = False # already allowed in nonconservative orig_list = list() for poly in part: if len(poly) == 0: orig_list.append(poly.copy()) elif len(poly) == 1: orig_list.append(poly[0].copy()) else: raise Exception( 'problem in convexification') orig = list(range(len(orig_list))) # Cheby radius of disturbance set # (defined within the loop for pwa systems) if islti: if len(ssys.E) > 0: rd = ssys.Wset.chebR else: rd = 0. # Initialize matrix for pairs to check IJ = part.adj.copy().toarray() _logger.debug( f'\n Starting IJ: \n{IJ}') # next line omitted in discretize_overlap IJ = reachable_within( trans_length, IJ, part.adj.toarray()) # Initialize output num_regions = len(part) transitions = np.zeros( [num_regions, num_regions], dtype = int) sol = copy.deepcopy(part.regions) adj = part.adj.copy().toarray() # next 2 lines omitted in discretize_overlap if ispwa: subsys_list = list(ppp2pwa) else: subsys_list = None ss = ssys # init graphics if plotit: _graphics._assert_pyplot() plt.ion() fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.axis('scaled') ax2.axis('scaled') file_extension = 'pdf' else: plt = None iter_count = 0 # List of how many "new" regions # have been created for each region # and a `list` of original number of neighbors # num_new_reg = np.zeros(len(orig_list)) # num_orig_neigh = np.sum(adj, axis=1).flatten() - 1 progress = list() # Do the abstraction while np.sum(IJ) > 0: ind = np.nonzero(IJ) # `i`, `j` swapped in discretize_overlap i = ind[1][0] j = ind[0][0] IJ[j, i] = 0 si = sol[i] sj = sol[j] si_tmp = copy.deepcopy(si) sj_tmp = copy.deepcopy(sj) if ispwa: ss = ssys.list_subsys[subsys_list[i]] if len(ss.E) > 0: rd, xd = pc.cheby_ball(ss.Wset) else: rd = 0. if conservative: # Don't use trans_set trans_set = None else: # Use original cell as trans_set trans_set = orig_list[orig[i]] S0 = _fsb.solve_feasible( si, sj, ss, N, closed_loop, use_all_horizon, trans_set, max_num_poly) f'\n Working with partition cells: {i}, {j}') msg = ( f'\t{i} (#polytopes = {len(si)}), and:\n' f'\t{j} (#polytopes = {len(sj)})\n') if ispwa: msg += ( '\t with active subsystem: ' f'{subsys_list[i]}\n') msg += ( '\t Computed reachable set S0 with volume: ' f'{S0.volume}\n') _logger.debug(msg) # _logger.debug(r'si \cap s0') isect = si.intersect(S0) vol1 = isect.volume risect, xi = pc.cheby_ball(isect) # _logger.debug(r'si \ s0') diff = si.diff(S0) vol2 = diff.volume rdiff, xd = pc.cheby_ball(diff) # if pc.is_fulldim(pc.Region([isect]).intersect(diff)): # logging.getLogger('tulip.polytope').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # diff = pc.mldivide(si, S0, save=True) # # ax = S0.plot() # ax.axis([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) # ax.figure.savefig('./img/s0.pdf') # # ax = si.plot() # ax.axis([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) # ax.figure.savefig('./img/si.pdf') # # ax = isect.plot() # ax.axis([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) # ax.figure.savefig('./img/isect.pdf') # # ax = diff.plot() # ax.axis([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) # ax.figure.savefig('./img/diff.pdf') # # ax = isect.intersect(diff).plot() # ax.axis([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) # ax.figure.savefig('./img/diff_cap_isect.pdf') # # _logger.error(r'Intersection \cap Difference != \emptyset') # # assert(False) if vol1 <= min_cell_volume: _logger.warning( '\t too small: si \\cap Pre(sj), ' 'so discard intersection') if vol1 <= min_cell_volume and isect: _logger.warning( '\t discarded non-empty intersection: ' 'consider reducing min_cell_volume') if vol2 <= min_cell_volume: _logger.warning( '\t too small: si \\ Pre(sj), so not reached it') # We don't want our partitions to # be smaller than the disturbance set # Could be a problem since cheby # radius is calculated for smallest # convex polytope, so if we have # a region we might throw away a good cell. if ( vol1 > min_cell_volume and risect > rd and vol2 > min_cell_volume and rdiff > rd): # Make sure new areas are Regions # and add proposition lists if len(isect) == 0: isect = pc.Region([isect], si.props) else: isect.props = si.props.copy() if len(diff) == 0: diff = pc.Region([diff], si.props) else: diff.props = si.props.copy() # replace si by intersection (single state) isect_list = pc.separate(isect) sol[i] = isect_list[0] # cut difference into connected pieces difflist = pc.separate(diff) difflist += isect_list[1:] # n_isect = len(isect_list) - 1 num_new = len(difflist) # add each piece, as a new state for region in difflist: sol.append(region) # keep track of PWA subsystems map to new states if ispwa: subsys_list.append(subsys_list[i]) n_cells = len(sol) new_idx = range( n_cells - 1, n_cells - num_new - 1, -1) # # Update transition matrix transitions = np.pad( transitions, (0, num_new), 'constant') transitions[i, :] = np.zeros(n_cells) for r in new_idx: #transitions[:, r] = transitions[:, i] # All sets reachable from star # are reachable from both part's # except possibly the new part transitions[i, r] = 0 transitions[j, r] = 0 # `sol[j]` is reachable from # intersection of `sol[i]` and `S0` if i != j: transitions[j, i] = 1 # `sol[j]` is reachable from # each piece of `S0 \cap sol[i]` # for k in range(n_cells - n_isect - 2, n_cells): # transitions[j, k] = 1 # # Update adjacency matrix old_adj = np.nonzero(adj[i, :])[0] # reset new adjacencies adj[i, :] = np.zeros([n_cells - num_new]) adj[:, i] = np.zeros([n_cells - num_new]) adj[i, i] = 1 adj = np.pad( adj, (0, num_new), 'constant') for r in new_idx: adj[i, r] = 1 adj[r, i] = 1 adj[r, r] = 1 if not conservative: orig = np.hstack([orig, orig[i]]) # adjacency between pieces of `isect` and `diff` for r in new_idx: for k in new_idx: if r is k: continue if pc.is_adjacent(sol[r], sol[k]): adj[r, k] = 1 adj[k, r] = 1 msg = '' if _logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: msg += f'\t\n Adding states {i} and ' for r in new_idx: msg += f'{r} and ' msg += '\n' _logger.debug(msg) for k in np.setdiff1d(old_adj, [i,n_cells - 1]): # Every "old" neighbor must be the neighbor # of at least one of the new if pc.is_adjacent(sol[i], sol[k]): adj[i, k] = 1 adj[k, i] = 1 elif remove_trans and (trans_length == 1): # Actively remove transitions # between non-neighbors transitions[i, k] = 0 transitions[k, i] = 0 for r in new_idx: if pc.is_adjacent(sol[r], sol[k]): adj[r, k] = 1 adj[k, r] = 1 elif remove_trans and (trans_length == 1): # Actively remove transitions # between non-neighbors transitions[r, k] = 0 transitions[k, r] = 0 # # Update IJ matrix IJ = np.pad( IJ, (0, num_new), 'constant') adj_k = reachable_within(trans_length, adj, adj) sym_adj_change(IJ, adj_k, transitions, i) for r in new_idx: sym_adj_change(IJ, adj_k, transitions, r) if _logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: _logger.debug( f'\n\n Updated adj: \n{adj}' f'\n\n Updated trans: \n{transitions}' f'\n\n Updated IJ: \n{IJ}')'Divided region: {i}\n') elif vol2 < abs_tol:'Found: {i} ---> {j}\n') transitions[j, i] = 1 else: if _logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: _logger.debug( f'\t Unreachable: {i} --X--> {j}\n' f'\t\t diff vol: {vol2}\n' f'\t\t intersect vol: {vol1}\n') else:'\t unreachable\n') transitions[j, i] = 0 # check to avoid overlapping Regions if debug: tmp_part = PPP( domain=part.domain, regions=sol, adj=sp.lil_array(adj), prop_regions=part.prop_regions) assert(tmp_part.is_partition()) n_cells = len(sol) progress_ratio = 1 - float(np.sum(IJ)) / n_cells**2 progress.append(progress_ratio) msg = ( f'\t total # polytopes: {n_cells}\n' f'\t progress ratio: {progress_ratio}\n') iter_count += 1 # no plotting ? if not plotit: continue if plt is None or _pplt.plot_partition is None: continue if iter_count % plot_every != 0: continue tmp_part = PPP( domain=part.domain, regions=sol, adj=sp.lil_array(adj), prop_regions=part.prop_regions) # plot pair under reachability check ax2.clear() si_tmp.plot(ax=ax2, color='green') sj_tmp.plot( ax2, color='red', hatch='o', alpha=0.5) _pplt.plot_transition_arrow(si_tmp, sj_tmp, ax2) S0.plot( ax2, color='none', hatch='/', alpha=0.3) fig.canvas.draw() # plot partition ax1.clear() _pplt.plot_partition( tmp_part, transitions.T, ax=ax1, color_seed=23) # plot dynamics ssys.plot(ax1, show_domain=False) # plot hatched continuous propositions part.plot_props(ax1) fig.canvas.draw() # scale view based on domain, # not only the current polytopes si, sj l,u = part.domain.bounding_box ax2.set_xlim(l[0, 0], u[0, 0]) ax2.set_ylim(l[1, 0], u[1, 0]) if save_img: fname = ( f'movie{str(iter_count).zfill(3)}' f'.{file_extension}') fig.savefig(fname, dpi=250) plt.pause(1) new_part = PPP( domain=part.domain, regions=sol, adj=sp.lil_array(adj), prop_regions=part.prop_regions) # check completeness of adjacency matrix if debug: tmp_part = copy.deepcopy(new_part) tmp_part.compute_adj() # Generate transition system and add transitions ofts = trs.FTS() adj = sp.lil_array(transitions.T) n = adj.shape[0] ofts_states = list(range(n)) ofts.states.add_from(ofts_states) ofts.transitions.add_adj(adj, ofts_states) # Decorate TS with state labels atomic_propositions = set(part.prop_regions) ofts.atomic_propositions.add_from(atomic_propositions) for state, region in zip(ofts_states, sol): state_prop = region.props.copy() ofts.states.add(state, ap=state_prop) param = dict( N=N, trans_length=trans_length, closed_loop=closed_loop, conservative=conservative, use_all_horizon=use_all_horizon, min_cell_volume=min_cell_volume, max_num_poly=max_num_poly) ppp2orig = [part2orig[x] for x in orig] end_time = os.times()[0] time = end_time - start_time msg = f'Total abstraction time: {time}[sec]' print(msg) if save_img and plt is not None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) plt.plot(progress) ax.set_xlabel('iteration') ax.set_ylabel('progress ratio') ax.figure.savefig('progress.pdf') return AbstractPwa( ppp=new_part, ts=ofts, ppp2ts=ofts_states, pwa=ssys, pwa_ppp=part, ppp2pwa=orig, ppp2sys=subsys_list, orig_ppp=orig_ppp, ppp2orig=ppp2orig, disc_params=param) def _discretize_dual( part: PPP, ssys: SystemDynamics, N: int=10, min_cell_volume: float=0.1, closed_loop: bool=True, conservative: bool=False, max_num_poly: int=5, use_all_horizon: bool=False, trans_length: int=1, remove_trans: bool=False, abs_tol: float=1e-7, plotit: bool=False, save_img: bool=False, cont_props: list[pc.Polytope] | None=None, plot_every: int=1 ) -> AbstractPwa: """Refine partition, based on reachability analysis. Refines the partition, and establishes transitions based on reachability analysis. Uses dual-simulation algorithm. Reference ========= 1. [NOTM12]( 2. Wagenmaker, A. J.; Ozay, N. "A Bisimulation-like Algorithm for Abstracting Control Systems." 54th Annual Allerton Conference on CCC 2016 Relevant ======== `prop2partition.pwa_partition`, `prop2partition.part2convex` @param N: horizon length @param min_cell_volume: the minimum volume of ells in the resulting partition. @param closed_loop: `bool` indicating whether the `closed loop` algorithm should be used. (default is `True`) @param conservative: - `True`: force sequence in reachability analysis to stay inside starting cell. - `False`: safety is ensured by keeping the sequence inside a convexified version of the original proposition-preserving cell. @param max_num_poly: maximum number of polytopes in a region to use in reachability analysis. @param use_all_horizon: in closed-loop algorithm: if we should look for reachability also in less than `N` steps. @param trans_length: the number of polytopes allowed to cross in a transition. - `1`: check transitions only between neighbors, - `2`: check neighbors of neighbors and so on. @param remove_trans: if `True`, then remove found transitions between non-neighbors. @param abs_tol: maximum volume for an "empty" polytope @param plotit: plot partitioning as it evolves @param save_img: save snapshots of partitioning to PDF files, requires `plotit=True` @param cont_props: continuous propositions to plot """ start_time = os.times()[0] orig_ppp = part min_cell_volume = ( min_cell_volume / np.finfo(np.double).eps * np.finfo(np.double).eps) ispwa = isinstance(ssys, _hyb.PwaSysDyn) islti = isinstance(ssys, _hyb.LtiSysDyn) if ispwa: part, ppp2pwa, part2orig = _p2p.pwa_partition(ssys, part) else: part2orig = range(len(part)) # Save original polytopes, require them to be convex if conservative: orig_list = None orig = [0] else: part, new2old = _p2p.part2convex(part) # convexify part2orig = [part2orig[i] for i in new2old] # map new regions to pwa subsystems if ispwa: ppp2pwa = [ppp2pwa[i] for i in new2old] remove_trans = False # already allowed in nonconservative orig_list = list() for poly in part: if len(poly) == 0: orig_list.append(poly.copy()) elif len(poly) == 1: orig_list.append(poly[0].copy()) else: raise Exception( 'problem in convexification') orig = list(range(len(orig_list))) # Cheby radius of disturbance set # (defined within the loop for pwa systems) if islti: if len(ssys.E) > 0: rd = ssys.Wset.chebR else: rd = 0. # Initialize matrix for pairs to check IJ = part.adj.copy().toarray() _logger.debug(f'\n Starting IJ: \n{IJ}') # next line omitted in discretize_overlap IJ = reachable_within( trans_length, IJ, part.adj.toarray()) # Initialize output num_regions = len(part) transitions = np.zeros( [num_regions, num_regions], dtype = int) sol = copy.deepcopy(part.regions) adj = part.adj.copy().toarray() # next 2 lines omitted in `discretize_overlap` if ispwa: subsys_list = list(ppp2pwa) else: subsys_list = None ss = ssys # init graphics if plotit: _graphics._assert_pyplot() plt.ion() fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.axis('scaled') ax2.axis('scaled') file_extension = 'pdf' else: plt = None iter_count = 0 # List of how many "new" regions # have been created for each region # and a `list` of original number of neighbors # num_new_reg = np.zeros(len(orig_list)) # num_orig_neigh = np.sum(adj, axis=1).flatten() - 1 progress = list() # Do the abstraction while np.sum(IJ) > 0: ind = np.nonzero(IJ) # `i`, `j` swapped in `discretize_overlap` i = ind[1][0] j = ind[0][0] IJ[j, i] = 0 si = sol[i] sj = sol[j] si_tmp = copy.deepcopy(si) sj_tmp = copy.deepcopy(sj) # num_new_reg[i] += 1 # print(num_new_reg) if ispwa: ss = ssys.list_subsys[subsys_list[i]] if len(ss.E) > 0: rd, xd = pc.cheby_ball(ss.Wset) else: rd = 0. if conservative: # Don't use trans_set trans_set = None else: # Use original cell as trans_set trans_set = orig_list[orig[i]] S0 = _fsb.solve_feasible( si, sj, ss, N, closed_loop, use_all_horizon, trans_set, max_num_poly) f'\n Working with partition cells: {i}, {j}') msg = ( f'\t{i} (#polytopes = {len(si)}), and:\n' f'\t{j} (#polytopes = {len(sj)})\n') if ispwa: msg += ( '\t with active subsystem: ' f'{subsys_list[i]}\n') msg += ( '\t Computed reachable set S0 with volume: ' f'{S0.volume}\n') _logger.debug(msg) # _logger.debug(r'si \cap s0') isect = si.intersect(S0) vol1 = isect.volume risect, xi = pc.cheby_ball(isect) # _logger.debug(r'si \ s0') rsi, xd = pc.cheby_ball(si) vol2 = si.volume - vol1 # not accurate. # need to check polytope class if vol1 <= min_cell_volume: _logger.warning( '\t too small: si \\cap Pre(sj), ' 'so discard intersection') if vol1 <= min_cell_volume and isect: _logger.warning( '\t discarded non-empty intersection: ' 'consider reducing min_cell_volume') if vol2 <= min_cell_volume: _logger.warning( '\t too small: si \\ Pre(sj), ' 'so not reached it') # indicate if S0 has exists in sol check_isect = False # We don't want our partitions to be # smaller than the disturbance set # Could be a problem since cheby radius # is calculated for smallest # convex polytope, so if we have a region # we might throw away a good cell. if ( vol1 > min_cell_volume and risect > rd and vol2 > min_cell_volume and rsi > rd): # check if the intersection has # existed in current partitions for idx in range(len(sol)): if(sol[idx] == isect): f'Found: {idx} ---> {j} ' 'intersection exists.\n') transitions[j, idx] = 1 check_isect = True if not check_isect: # Make sure new areas are Regions # and add proposition lists if len(isect) == 0: isect = pc.Region([isect], si.props) else: isect.props = si.props.copy() # add intersection in sol isect_list = pc.separate(isect) sol.append(isect_list[0]) n_cells = len(sol) new_idx = n_cells-1 # # Update adjacency matrix old_adj = np.nonzero(adj[i, :])[0] adj = np.pad(adj, (0, 1), 'constant') # cell i and new_idx are adjacent adj[i, new_idx] = 1 adj[new_idx, i] = 1 adj[new_idx, new_idx] = 1 if not conservative: orig = np.hstack([orig, orig[i]]) if _logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: _logger.debug( f'\t\n Adding states {new_idx}\n') for k in np.setdiff1d(old_adj, [i,n_cells-1]): # Every "old" neighbor must be the neighbor # of at least one of the new if pc.is_adjacent(sol[new_idx], sol[k]): adj[new_idx, k] = 1 adj[k, new_idx] = 1 elif remove_trans and (trans_length == 1): # Actively remove transitions # between non-neighbors transitions[new_idx, k] = 0 transitions[k, new_idx] = 0 # Update transition matrix transitions = np.pad( transitions, (0, 1), 'constant') adj_k = reachable_within(trans_length, adj, adj) # transitions `i` ---> `k` for `k` is # neighbor of `new_idx` should be # kept by `new_idx` transitions[:, new_idx ] = np.multiply( transitions[:, i], adj_k[:, i]) # if `j` and `new_idx` are neighbors, # then add `new_idx` ---> `j` if adj_k[j, new_idx] != 0: transitions[j, new_idx] = 1 # # Update IJ matrix IJ = np.pad(IJ, (0, 1), 'constant') sym_adj_change(IJ, adj_k, transitions, i) sym_adj_change(IJ, adj_k, transitions, new_idx) if _logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: _logger.debug( f'\n\n Updated adj: \n{adj}' f'\n\n Updated trans: \n{transitions}' f'\n\n Updated IJ: \n{IJ}')'Divided region: {i}\n') elif vol2 < abs_tol:'Found: {i} ---> {j}\n') transitions[j, i] = 1 else: if _logger.level <= logging.DEBUG: _logger.debug( f'\t Unreachable: {i} --X--> {j}\n' f'\t\t diff vol: {vol2}\n' f'\t\t intersect vol: {vol1}\n') else:'\t unreachable\n') transitions[j, i] = 0 # check to avoid overlapping Regions if debug: tmp_part = PPP( domain=part.domain, regions=sol, adj=sp.lil_array(adj), prop_regions=part.prop_regions) assert(tmp_part.is_partition()) n_cells = len(sol) progress_ratio = 1 - float(np.sum(IJ)) / n_cells**2 progress.append(progress_ratio) f'\t total # polytopes: {n_cells}\n' f'\t progress ratio: {progress_ratio}\n') iter_count += 1 # needs to be removed later # if(iter_count>=700): # break # no plotting ? if not plotit: continue if plt is None or _pplt.plot_partition is None: continue if iter_count % plot_every != 0: continue tmp_part = PPP( domain=part.domain, regions=sol, adj=sp.lil_array(adj), prop_regions=part.prop_regions) # plot pair under reachability check ax2.clear() si_tmp.plot(ax=ax2, color='green') sj_tmp.plot( ax2, color='red', hatch='o', alpha=0.5) _pplt.plot_transition_arrow(si_tmp, sj_tmp, ax2) S0.plot( ax2, color='none', hatch='/', alpha=0.3) fig.canvas.draw() # plot partition ax1.clear() _pplt.plot_partition( tmp_part, transitions.T, ax=ax1, color_seed=23) # plot dynamics ssys.plot(ax1, show_domain=False) # plot hatched continuous propositions part.plot_props(ax1) fig.canvas.draw() # scale view based on domain, # not only the current polytopes si, sj l,u = part.domain.bounding_box ax2.set_xlim(l[0, 0], u[0, 0]) ax2.set_ylim(l[1, 0], u[1, 0]) if save_img: fname = ( f'movie{str(iter_count).zfill(3)}' f'.{file_extension}') fig.savefig(fname, dpi=250) plt.pause(1) new_part = PPP( domain=part.domain, regions=sol, adj=sp.lil_array(adj), prop_regions=part.prop_regions) # check completeness of adjacency matrix if debug: tmp_part = copy.deepcopy(new_part) tmp_part.compute_adj() # Generate transition system and add transitions ofts = trs.FTS() adj = sp.lil_array(transitions.T) n = adj.shape[0] ofts_states = list(range(n)) ofts.states.add_from(ofts_states) ofts.transitions.add_adj(adj, ofts_states) # Decorate TS with state labels atomic_propositions = set(part.prop_regions) ofts.atomic_propositions.add_from(atomic_propositions) for state, region in zip(ofts_states, sol): state_prop = region.props.copy() ofts.states.add(state, ap=state_prop) param = dict( N=N, trans_length=trans_length, closed_loop=closed_loop, conservative=conservative, use_all_horizon=use_all_horizon, min_cell_volume=min_cell_volume, max_num_poly=max_num_poly) ppp2orig = [part2orig[x] for x in orig] end_time = os.times()[0] dt = end_time - start_time msg = f'Total abstraction time: {dt} [sec]' print(msg) if save_img and plt is not None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) plt.plot(progress) ax.set_xlabel('iteration') ax.set_ylabel('progress ratio') ax.figure.savefig('progress.pdf') return AbstractPwa( ppp=new_part, ts=ofts, ppp2ts=ofts_states, pwa=ssys, pwa_ppp=part, ppp2pwa=orig, ppp2sys=subsys_list, orig_ppp=orig_ppp, ppp2orig=ppp2orig, disc_params=param) def reachable_within( trans_length: int, adj_k: np.ndarray, adj: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Find cells reachable within trans_length hops.""" if trans_length <= 1: return adj_k k = 1 while k < trans_length: adj_k = (, adj) != 0).astype(int) k += 1 adj_k = (adj_k > 0).astype(int) return adj_k def sym_adj_change( IJ: np.ndarray, adj_k: np.ndarray, transitions: np.ndarray, i: int ) -> None: horizontal = adj_k[i, :] - transitions[i, :] > 0 vertical = adj_k[:, i] - transitions[:, i] > 0 IJ[i, :] = horizontal.astype(int) IJ[:, i] = vertical.astype(int) # DEFUNCT until further notice def discretize_overlap( closed_loop: bool=False, conservative: bool=False ) -> PPP: """default False. UNDER DEVELOPMENT; function signature may change without notice. Calling will result in NotImplementedError. """ raise NotImplementedError # # if rdiff < abs_tol: #"Transition found") # transitions[i,j] = 1 # # elif ((vol1 > min_cell_volume) & (risect > rd) & # (num_new_reg[i] <= num_orig_neigh[i]+1)): # # # Make sure new cell is Region and add proposition lists # if len(isect) == 0: # isect = pc.Region([isect], si.props) # else: # isect.props = si.props.copy() # # # Add new state # sol.append(isect) # size = len(sol) # # # Add transitions # transitions = np.hstack([transitions, np.zeros([size - 1, 1], # dtype=int) ]) # transitions = np.vstack([transitions, np.zeros([1, size], # dtype=int) ]) # # # All sets reachable from orig cell are reachable from both cells # transitions[size-1,:] = transitions[i,:] # transitions[size-1,j] = 1 # j is reachable from new cell # # # Take care of adjacency # old_adj = np.nonzero(adj[i,:])[0] # # adj = np.hstack([adj, np.zeros([size - 1, 1], dtype=int) ]) # adj = np.vstack([adj, np.zeros([1, size], dtype=int) ]) # adj[i,size-1] = 1 # adj[size-1,i] = 1 # adj[size-1,size-1] = 1 # # for k in np.setdiff1d(old_adj,[i,size-1]): # if pc.is_adjacent(sol[size-1],sol[k],overlap=True): # adj[size-1,k] = 1 # adj[k, size-1] = 1 # else: # # Actively remove (valid) transitions between non-neighbors # transitions[size-1,k] = 0 # transitions[k,size-1] = 0 # # # Assign original proposition cell to new state and update counts # if not conservative: # orig = np.hstack([orig, orig[i]]) # print(num_new_reg) # num_new_reg = np.hstack([num_new_reg, 0]) # num_orig_neigh = np.hstack([num_orig_neigh, np.sum(adj[size-1,:])-1]) # #"\n Adding state {size - 1}\n") # # # Just add adjacent cells for checking, # # unless transition already found # IJ = np.hstack([IJ, np.zeros([size - 1, 1], dtype=int) ]) # IJ = np.vstack([IJ, np.zeros([1, size], dtype=int) ]) # horiz2 = adj[size-1,:] - transitions[size-1,:] > 0 # verti2 = adj[:,size-1] - transitions[:,size-1] > 0 # IJ[size-1,:] = horiz2.astype(int) # IJ[:,size-1] = verti2.astype(int) # else: #"No transition found, intersect vol: {vol1}") # transitions[i,j] = 0 # # new_part = PPP( # domain=part.domain, # regions=sol, adj=np.array([]), # trans=transitions, prop_regions=part.prop_regions, # original_regions=orig_list, orig=orig) # return new_part def multiproc_discretize( q: mp.Queue, mode: str, ppp: PPP, cont_dyn: SystemDynamics, disc_params: dict ) -> None: global _logger _logger = mp.log_to_stderr() name = mp.current_process().name print( f'Abstracting mode: {mode}, on: {name}') absys = discretize(ppp, cont_dyn, **disc_params) q.put((mode, absys)) print(f'Worker: {name} finished.') def multiproc_get_transitions( q: mp.Queue, absys, mode, ssys: SystemDynamics, params: dict ) -> None: global _logger _logger = mp.log_to_stderr() name = mp.current_process().name print( 'Merged transitions for ' f'mode: {mode}, on: {name}') trans = get_transitions( absys, mode, ssys, **params) q.put((mode, trans)) print(f'Worker: {name} finished.') def multiproc_discretize_switched( ppp: PPP, hybrid_sys: _hyb.SwitchedSysDyn, disc_params: dict | None=None, plot: bool=False, show_ts: bool=False, only_adjacent: bool=True ) -> AbstractSwitched: """Parallel implementation of `discretize_switched`. Uses the multiprocessing package. """'parallel `discretize_switched` started') modes = list(hybrid_sys.modes) mode_nums = hybrid_sys.disc_domain_size q = mp.Queue() mode_args = dict() for mode in modes: cont_dyn = hybrid_sys.dynamics[mode] mode_args[mode] = ( q, mode, ppp, cont_dyn, disc_params[mode]) jobs = [ mp.Process( target=multiproc_discretize, args=args) for args in mode_args.values()] for job in jobs: job.start() # flush before join: # <> abstractions = dict() for job in jobs: mode, absys = q.get() abstractions[mode] = absys for job in jobs: job.join() # merge their domains merged_abstr, ap_labeling = merge_partitions(abstractions) n = len(merged_abstr.ppp)'Merged partition has: {n}, states') # find feasible transitions over merged partition for mode in modes: cont_dyn = hybrid_sys.dynamics[mode] params = disc_params[mode] mode_args[mode] = ( q, merged_abstr, mode, cont_dyn, params) jobs = [ mp.Process( target=multiproc_get_transitions, args=args) for args in mode_args.values()] for job in jobs: job.start() trans = dict() for job in jobs: mode, t = q.get() trans[mode] = t # merge the abstractions, creating a common TS merge_abstractions( merged_abstr, trans, abstractions, modes, mode_nums) if plot: plot_mode_partitions( merged_abstr, show_ts, only_adjacent) return merged_abstr def discretize_switched( ppp: PPP, hybrid_sys: _hyb.SwitchedSysDyn, disc_params: dict[..., dict] | None=None, plot: bool=False, show_ts: bool=False, only_adjacent: bool=True ) -> AbstractSwitched: """Abstract switched dynamics over given partition. @param hybrid_sys: dynamics of switching modes @param disc_params: discretization parameters passed to `discretize` for each mode. See `discretize` for details. (`dict` keyed by mode) @param plot: save partition images @param show_ts, only_adjacent: options for `AbstractPwa.plot`. @return: abstracted dynamics, some attributes are `dict` keyed by mode """ if disc_params is None: disc_params = dict(N=1, trans_length=1)'discretizing hybrid system') modes = list(hybrid_sys.modes) mode_nums = hybrid_sys.disc_domain_size # discretize each abstraction separately abstractions = dict() for mode in modes: _logger.debug(30 * '-' + '\n')'Abstracting mode: {mode}') cont_dyn = hybrid_sys.dynamics[mode] absys = discretize( ppp, cont_dyn, **disc_params[mode]) _logger.debug( f'Mode Abstraction:\n{absys}\n') abstractions[mode] = absys # merge their domains merged_abstr, ap_labeling = merge_partitions(abstractions) n = len(merged_abstr.ppp)'Merged partition has: {n}, states') # find feasible transitions over merged partition trans = dict() for mode in modes: cont_dyn = hybrid_sys.dynamics[mode] params = disc_params[mode] trans[mode] = get_transitions( merged_abstr, mode, cont_dyn, N=params['N'], trans_length=params['trans_length']) # merge the abstractions, creating a common TS merge_abstractions( merged_abstr, trans, abstractions, modes, mode_nums) if plot: plot_mode_partitions( merged_abstr, show_ts, only_adjacent) return merged_abstr def plot_mode_partitions( swab: AbstractSwitched, show_ts: bool, only_adjacent: bool ) -> None: """Save each mode's partition and final merged partition.""" axs = swab.plot(show_ts, only_adjacent) if not axs: _logger.error('failed to plot the partitions.') return n = len(swab.modes) assert len(axs) == 2*n # annotate for ax in axs: plot_annot(ax) # save mode partitions for ax, mode in zip(axs[:n], swab.modes): fname = f'merged_{mode}.pdf' ax.figure.savefig(fname) # save merged partition for ax, mode in zip(axs[n:], swab.modes): fname = f'part_{mode}.pdf' ax.figure.savefig(fname) def plot_annot( ax: '_mpl.axes.Axes' ) -> None: fontsize = 5 for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(fontsize) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('$v_1$', fontsize=fontsize + 6) ax.set_ylabel('$v_2$', fontsize=fontsize + 6) def merge_abstractions( merged_abstr: AbstractSwitched, trans: dict[..., AbstractPwa], abstr, modes, mode_nums: list[int] ) -> None: """Construct merged transitions.""" # TODO: check equality of atomic proposition sets aps = abstr[modes[0]].ts.atomic_propositions'APs: {aps}') sys_ts = trs.FTS() # create stats n = len(merged_abstr.ppp) states = range(n) sys_ts.states.add_from(states) sys_ts.atomic_propositions.add_from(aps) # copy AP labels from regions to discrete states ppp2ts = states for i, state in enumerate(ppp2ts): props = merged_abstr.ppp[i].props sys_ts.states[state]['ap'] = props # create mode actions env_actions, sys_actions = zip(*modes) env_actions = list(map(str, env_actions)) sys_actions = list(map(str, sys_actions)) # no env actions ? if mode_nums[0] == 0: actions_per_mode = { (e, s): {'sys_actions': str(s)} for e, s in modes} sys_ts.sys_actions.add_from(sys_actions) elif mode_nums[1] == 0: # no sys actions actions_per_mode = { (e, s): {'env_actions': str(e)} for e, s in modes} sys_ts.env_actions.add_from(env_actions) else: actions_per_mode = { (e, s): dict( env_actions=str(e), sys_actions=str(s)) for e, s in modes} env_actions, sys_actions = zip(*modes) sys_ts.env_actions.add_from(env_actions) sys_ts.sys_actions.add_from(sys_actions) for mode in modes: env_sys_actions = actions_per_mode[mode] adj = trans[mode] sys_ts.transitions.add_adj( adj = adj, adj2states = states, **env_sys_actions) merged_abstr.ts = sys_ts merged_abstr.ppp2ts = ppp2ts def get_transitions( abstract_sys: AbstractSwitched, mode, ssys, N: int=10, closed_loop: bool=True, trans_length: int=1 ) -> sp.lil_array: """Find which transitions are feasible in given mode. Used for the candidate transitions of the merged partition. """ 'checking which transitions remain ' 'feasible after merging') part = abstract_sys.ppp # Initialize matrix for pairs to check IJ = part.adj.copy() if trans_length > 1: k = 1 while k < trans_length: IJ =, part.adj) k += 1 IJ = (IJ > 0).astype(int) # Initialize output n = len(part) transitions = sp.lil_array( (n, n), dtype=int) # Do the abstraction n_checked = 0 n_found = 0 while np.sum(IJ) > 0: n_checked += 1 ind = np.nonzero(IJ) i = ind[1][0] j = ind[0][0] IJ[j,i] = 0 _logger.debug(f'checking transition: {i} -> {j}') si = part[i] sj = part[j] # Use original cell as trans_set trans_set = abstract_sys.ppp2pwa(mode, i)[1] active_subsystem = abstract_sys.ppp2sys(mode, i)[1] trans_feasible = _fsb.is_feasible( si, sj, active_subsystem, N, closed_loop = closed_loop, trans_set = trans_set) if trans_feasible: transitions[i, j] = 1 msg = '\t Feasible transition.' n_found += 1 else: transitions[i, j] = 0 msg = '\t Not feasible transition.' _logger.debug(msg)'Checked: {n_checked}')'Found: {n_found}') assert n_checked != 0, 'would divide ' f'Survived merging: {float(n_found) / n_checked} % ') return transitions def multiproc_merge_partitions(abstractions): """LOGTIME in #processors parallel merging. Assuming sufficient number of processors. UNDER DEVELOPMENT; function signature may change without notice. Calling will result in `NotImplementedError`. """ raise NotImplementedError def merge_partitions( abstractions: dict[..., AbstractPwa] ) -> tuple[ AbstractSwitched, dict]: """Merge multiple abstractions. @param abstractions: keyed by mode @return: `(merged_abstraction, ap_labeling)` """ if not abstractions: warnings.warn( 'Abstractions empty, ' 'nothing to merge.') return # consistency check for ab1 in abstractions.values(): for ab2 in abstractions.values(): p1 = ab1.ppp p2 = ab2.ppp if p1.prop_regions != p2.prop_regions: raise Exception( 'merge: partitions have ' 'different sets of ' 'continuous propositions') if ( not (p1.domain.A == p2.domain.A).all() or not (p1.domain.b == p2.domain.b).all()): raise Exception( 'merge: partitions have ' 'different domains') # check equality of original PPP partitions if ab1.orig_ppp == ab2.orig_ppp: 'original partitions happen to be equal') init_mode = list(abstractions.keys())[0] all_modes = set(abstractions) remaining_modes = all_modes.difference(set([init_mode])) print(f'init mode: {init_mode}') print(f'all modes: {all_modes}') print(f'remaining modes: {remaining_modes}') # initialize iteration data prev_modes = [init_mode] # Create a list of merged-together regions ab0 = abstractions[init_mode] regions = list(ab0.ppp) parents = {init_mode: list(range(len(regions)))} ap_labeling = { i: reg.props for i, reg in enumerate(regions)} for cur_mode in remaining_modes: ab2 = abstractions[cur_mode] r = merge_partition_pair( regions, ab2, cur_mode, prev_modes, parents, ap_labeling) regions, parents, ap_labeling = r prev_modes.append(cur_mode) new_list = regions # build adjacency based on spatial adjacencies of # component abstractions. # which justifies the assumed symmetry of part1.adj, part2.adj # Basically, if two regions are either 1) part of the same region in one of # the abstractions or 2) adjacent in one of the abstractions, then the two # regions are adjacent in the switched dynamics. n_reg = len(new_list) adj = np.zeros([n_reg, n_reg], dtype=int) for i, reg_i in enumerate(new_list): for j, reg_j in enumerate(new_list[0:i]): touching = False for mode in abstractions: pi = parents[mode][i] pj = parents[mode][j] part = abstractions[mode].ppp if part.adj[pi, pj] == 1 or pi == pj: touching = True break if not touching: continue if pc.is_adjacent(reg_i, reg_j): adj[i, j] = 1 adj[j, i] = 1 adj[i, i] = 1 ppp = PPP( domain=ab0.ppp.domain, regions=new_list, prop_regions=ab0.ppp.prop_regions, adj=adj) abstraction = AbstractSwitched( ppp=ppp, modes=abstractions, ppp2modes=parents) return (abstraction, ap_labeling) def merge_partition_pair( old_regions: list[pc.Region], ab2: AbstractPwa, cur_mode: tuple, prev_modes: list[tuple], old_parents: dict, old_ap_labeling: dict[tuple, set] ) -> tuple[ list, dict, dict]: """Merge an Abstraction with the current partition iterate. @param old_regions: A `list` of `Region` that is from either: 1. The ppp of the first (initial) `AbstractPwa` to be merged. 2. A list of already-merged regions @param ab2: Abstracted piecewise affine dynamics to be merged into the @param cur_mode: mode to be merged @param prev_modes: list of modes that have already been merged together @param old_parents: dict of modes that have already been merged to dict of indices of new regions to indices of regions. A `dict` that maps each mode to a `list` of region indices in the list `old_regions` or a `dict` that maps region indices to regions in the original ppp for that mode @param old_ap_labeling: dict of states of already-merged modes to sets of propositions for each state @return: the following: - `new_list`, list of new regions - `parents`, same as input param `old_parents`, except that it includes the mode that was just merged and for list of regions in return value `new_list` - `ap_labeling`, same as input param `old_ap_labeling`, except that it includes the mode that was just merged. """'merging partitions') part2 = ab2.ppp modes = prev_modes + [cur_mode] new_list = list() parents = {mode:dict() for mode in modes} ap_labeling = dict() for i in range(len(old_regions)): for j in range(len(part2)): isect = pc.intersect( old_regions[i], part2[j]) rc, xc = pc.cheby_ball(isect) # no intersection ? if rc < 1e-5: continue f'merging region: A{i}, with: B{j}') # if Polytope, make it Region if len(isect) == 0: isect = pc.Region([isect]) # label the Region with propositions isect.props = old_regions[i].props.copy() new_list.append(isect) idx = new_list.index(isect) # keep track of parents for mode in prev_modes: parents[mode][idx] = old_parents[mode][i] parents[cur_mode][idx] = j # union of AP labels from parent states ap_label_1 = old_ap_labeling[i] ap_label_2 = ab2.ts.states[j]['ap'] _logger.debug(f'AP label 1: {ap_label_1}') _logger.debug(f'AP label 2: {ap_label_2}') # original partitions may be # different if `_p2p.pwa_partition` used # but must originate from same # initial partition, # i.e., have same continuous propositions, # checked above # # so no two intersecting regions can # have different AP labels, # checked here if ap_label_1 != ap_label_2: raise Exception( 'Inconsistent AP labels between ' 'intersecting regions of \n' 'partitions of switched system.') ap_labeling[idx] = ap_label_1 return new_list, parents, ap_labeling