Source code for conxml

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# All rights reserved.
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# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
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# $Id$
Several functions that help in working with tulipcon XML files.

This module includes a few functions for parsing YAML files, providing
an easier way to specify transition systems.  See rsimple_example.yaml
in the "examples" directory for reference.

import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np

import rhtlp
import discretize
import automaton
import prop2part
import polytope as pc
import jtlvint
import errorprint as ep
from spec import GRSpec

from StringIO import StringIO
    import yaml
except ImportError:
    yaml = None  # Thus calling a function that depends on PyYAML will
                 # lead to an exception.

# Problem Types #

# XML Globals #

def readXMLfile(fname, verbose=0):
    """Read tulipcon XML string directly from a file.

    Returns 3-tuple, as described in *loadXML* docstring.  (This is a
    convenience method, mostly only wrapping *loadXML*.)
    with open(fname, "r") as f:
        x =
    return loadXML(x, verbose=verbose)

[docs]def loadXML(x, verbose=0, namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE): """Return ({SynthesisProb,PropPreservingPartition}, CtsSysDyn, Automaton). The first element of the returned tuple depends on the problem type detected. If type "none", then it is an instance of PropPreservingPartition, e.g., as returned by the function discretize in module discretize. If of type "synth" or "rhtlp", then an instance of SynthesisProb or a child class is returned. Any empty or missing items are set to None, or an exception is raised if the missing item is required. The argument x can also be an instance of xml.etree.ElementTree._ElementInterface ; this is mainly for internal use, e.g. by the function untagpolytope and some load/dumpXML methods elsewhere. To easily read and process this string from a file, instead call the method *readXMLfile* """ if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, ET._ElementInterface): raise TypeError("tag to be parsed must be given as a string or ElementTree._ElementInterface.") if isinstance(x, str): elem = ET.fromstring(x) else: elem = x if (namespace is None) or (len(namespace) == 0): ns_prefix = "" else: ns_prefix = "{"+namespace+"}" if elem.tag != ns_prefix+"tulipcon": raise TypeError("root tag should be tulipcon.") if ("version" not in elem.attrib.keys()): raise ValueError("unversioned tulipcon XML string.") if int(elem.attrib["version"]) != 0: raise ValueError("unsupported tulipcon XML version: "+str(elem.attrib["version"])) ptype_tag = elem.find(ns_prefix+"prob_type") if ptype_tag is None: ptype = INCOMPLETE_PROB elif ptype_tag.text == "none": ptype = NONE_PROB elif ptype_tag.text == "synth": ptype = SYNTH_PROB elif ptype_tag.text == "rhtlp": ptype = RHTLP_PROB else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized prob_type: "+str(ptype_tag.text)) # Build CtsSysDyn, or set to None c_dyn = elem.find(ns_prefix+"c_dyn") if c_dyn is None: sys_dyn = None else: (tag_name, A) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"A")) (tag_name, B) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"B")) (tag_name, E) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"E")) (tag_name, K) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"K")) (tag_name, Uset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"U_set")) (tag_name, Wset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"W_set")) sys_dyn = discretize.CtsSysDyn(A, B, E, K, Uset, Wset) # Extract LTL specification s_elem = elem.find(ns_prefix+"spec") if s_elem.find(ns_prefix+"env_init") is not None: # instance of GRSpec style spec = GRSpec() for spec_tag in ["env_init", "env_safety", "env_prog", "sys_init", "sys_safety", "sys_prog"]: if s_elem.find(ns_prefix+spec_tag) is None: raise ValueError("invalid specification in tulipcon XML string.") (tag_name, li) = untaglist(s_elem.find(ns_prefix+spec_tag), cast_f=str, namespace=namespace) li = [v.replace("&lt;", "<") for v in li] li = [v.replace("&gt;", ">") for v in li] li = [v.replace("&amp;", "&") for v in li] setattr(spec, spec_tag, li) else: # assume, guarantee strings style spec = ["", ""] if s_elem.find(ns_prefix+"assume") is not None: spec[0] = s_elem.find(ns_prefix+"assume").text if s_elem.find(ns_prefix+"guarantee") is not None: spec[1] = s_elem.find(ns_prefix+"guarantee").text for k in [0, 1]: # Undo special character encoding if spec[k] is None: spec[k] = "" else: spec[k] = spec[k].replace("&lt;", "<") spec[k] = spec[k].replace("&gt;", ">") spec[k] = spec[k].replace("&amp;", "&") # Build Automaton aut_elem = elem.find(ns_prefix+"aut") if aut_elem is None \ or ((aut_elem.text is None) and len(aut_elem.getchildren()) == 0): aut = None else: aut = automaton.Automaton() if not aut.loadXML(aut_elem, namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE): ep.printError("failed to read Automaton from given tulipcon XML string.") aut = None # Discrete dynamics, if available d_dyn = elem.find(ns_prefix+"d_dyn") if d_dyn is None: prob = None else: (tag_name, env_vars) = untagdict(elem.find(ns_prefix+"env_vars")) (tag_name, sys_disc_vars) = untagdict(elem.find(ns_prefix+"sys_vars")) if ((d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"domain") is None) and (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"trans") is None) and (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"prop_symbols") is None)): disc_dynamics = None else: (tag_name, domain) = untagpolytope(d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"domain")) (tag_name, trans) = untagmatrix(d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"trans"), np_type=np.uint8) (tag_name, prop_symbols) = untaglist(d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"prop_symbols"), cast_f=str) region_elem = d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"regions") list_region = [] if region_elem is not None: region_items = region_elem.findall(ns_prefix+"region") if region_items is not None and len(region_items) > 0: for region_item in region_items: (tag_name, R) = untagregion(region_item, cast_f_list=int, np_type_P=np.float64) list_region.append(R) orig_map_elem = d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"orig_map") orig_part_elem = d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"orig_partition") if (orig_map_elem is None) or (orig_part_elem is None): orig_list_region = None orig = None else: (tag_name, orig) = untaglist(orig_map_elem, cast_f=int) cell_items = orig_part_elem.findall(ns_prefix+"cell") orig_list_region = [] if cell_items is not None and len(cell_items) > 0: for cell_item in cell_items: (tag_name, P) = untagpolytope(cell_item) orig_list_region.append(P) disc_dynamics = prop2part.PropPreservingPartition(domain=domain, num_prop=len(prop_symbols), list_region=list_region, num_regions=len(list_region), adj=0, trans=trans, list_prop_symbol=prop_symbols, orig_list_region=orig_list_region, orig=orig) # Build appropriate ``problem'' instance if ptype == SYNTH_PROB: prob = jtlvint.generateJTLVInput(env_vars=env_vars, sys_disc_vars=sys_disc_vars, spec=spec, disc_props={}, disc_dynamics=disc_dynamics, smv_file="", spc_file="", verbose=2) elif ptype == RHTLP_PROB: if disc_dynamics is not None: prob = rhtlp.RHTLPProb(shprobs=[], Phi="True", discretize=False, env_vars=env_vars, sys_disc_vars=sys_disc_vars, disc_dynamics=disc_dynamics, #cont_props=cont_props, spec=spec) else: prob = rhtlp.RHTLPProb(shprobs=[], Phi="True", discretize=False, env_vars=env_vars, sys_disc_vars=sys_disc_vars, #cont_props=cont_props, spec=spec) elif ptype == NONE_PROB: prob = disc_dynamics else: #ptype == INCOMPLETE_PROB prob = None return (prob, sys_dyn, aut)
[docs]def dumpXML(prob=None, spec=['',''], sys_dyn=None, aut=None, disc_dynamics=None, synthesize_aut=False, verbose=0, pretty=False): """Return tulipcon XML string. prob is an instance of SynthesisProb or a child class, such as RHTLPProb (both defined in sys_dyn is an instance of CtsSysDyn (defined in, or None. If None, then continuous dynamics are considered empty (i.e., there are none). disc_dynamics is an instance of PropPreservingPartition, such as returned by the function discretize in module discretize. This argument is supported to permit entire avoidance of SynthesisProb or related classes. If pretty is True, then use indentation and newlines to make the resulting XML string more visually appealing. aut is an instance of Automaton. If None (rather than an instance), then an empty <aut> tag is written. spec may be an instance of GRSpec or a list. If of GRSpec, then it is formed as expected. If spec is a list, then first element of "assume" string, and second element of "guarantee" string. spec=None is also accepted, in which case the specification is considered empty, but note that this could cause problems later unless some content is introduced. ** synthesize_aut flag is IGNORED ** If synthesize_aut is True, then if prob.__realizable is not None, use its value to determine whether a previously computed \*.aut file should be read. Else (if prob.__realizable is None or False), then try to compute automaton (saving to file prob.__jtlvfile + '.aut', as usual). If synthesize_aut is False, then just save an empty <aut></aut>. ** verbose flag is IGNORED (but that will change...) ** To easily save the result here to a file, instead call the method *writeXMLfile* """ if prob is not None and not isinstance(prob, (rhtlp.SynthesisProb, rhtlp.RHTLPProb)): raise TypeError("prob should be an instance (or child) of rhtlp.SynthesisProb.") if sys_dyn is not None and not isinstance(sys_dyn, discretize.CtsSysDyn): raise TypeError("sys_dyn should be an instance of discretizeM.CtsSysDyn or None.") if disc_dynamics is not None and not isinstance(disc_dynamics, prop2part.PropPreservingPartition): raise TypeError("disc_dynamics should be an instance of prop2part.PropPreservingPartition or None.") if aut is not None and not isinstance(aut, automaton.Automaton): raise TypeError("aut should be an instance of Automaton or None.") if spec is not None and not isinstance(spec, (list, GRSpec)): raise TypeError("spec should be an instance of list or GRSpec") if pretty: nl = "\n" # Newline idt = " " # Indentation else: nl = "" idt = "" idt_level = 0 output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'+nl output += '<tulipcon xmlns="" version="0">'+nl idt_level += 1 if sys_dyn is not None: output += idt*idt_level+'<prob_type>' if isinstance(prob, rhtlp.RHTLPProb): # Beware of order and inheritance output += 'rhtlp' elif isinstance(prob, rhtlp.SynthesisProb): output += 'synth' else: # prob is None output += 'none' output += '</prob_type>'+nl output += idt*idt_level+'<c_dyn>'+nl idt_level += 1 output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("A",sys_dyn.A)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("B",sys_dyn.B)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("E",sys_dyn.E)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("K",sys_dyn.K)+nl # Need facility for setting sample period; maybe as new attribute in CtsSysDyn class? output += idt*idt_level+'<sample_period>1</sample_period>'+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("U_set", sys_dyn.Uset)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("W_set", sys_dyn.Wset)+nl idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</c_dyn>'+nl if prob is not None: output += tagdict("env_vars", prob.getEnvVars(), pretty=pretty, idt_level=idt_level) output += tagdict("sys_vars", prob.getSysVars(), pretty=pretty, idt_level=idt_level) else: output += tagdict("env_vars", dict([(v,"boolean") for v in spec.env_vars]), pretty=pretty, idt_level=idt_level) output += tagdict("sys_vars", dict([(v,"boolean") for v in spec.sys_vars]), pretty=pretty, idt_level=idt_level) if spec is None: output += idt*idt_level+'<spec><assume></assume><guarantee></guarantee></spec>'+nl elif isinstance(spec, GRSpec): # Copy out copies of GRSpec attributes spec_dict = {"env_init": spec.env_init, "env_safety": spec.env_safety, "env_prog": spec.env_prog, "sys_init": spec.sys_init, "sys_safety": spec.sys_safety, "sys_prog": spec.sys_prog} # Map special XML characters to safe forms for k in spec_dict.keys(): if isinstance(spec_dict[k], str): spec_dict[k] = spec_dict[k].replace("<", "&lt;") spec_dict[k] = spec_dict[k].replace(">", "&gt;") spec_dict[k] = spec_dict[k].replace("&", "&amp;") else: spec_dict[k] = [v.replace("<", "&lt;") for v in spec_dict[k]] spec_dict[k] = [v.replace(">", "&gt;") for v in spec_dict[k]] spec_dict[k] = [v.replace("&", "&amp;") for v in spec_dict[k]] # Finally, dump XML tags output += idt*idt_level+'<spec>'+nl for (k, v) in spec_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, str): v = [v,] output += idt*(idt_level+1)+ taglist(k, v) +nl output += idt*idt_level+'</spec>'+nl else: for k in [0,1]: spec[k] = spec[k].replace("<", "&lt;") spec[k] = spec[k].replace(">", "&gt;") spec[k] = spec[k].replace("&", "&amp;") output += idt*idt_level+'<spec><assume>'+spec[0]+'</assume>'+nl output += idt*(idt_level+1)+'<guarantee>'+spec[1]+'</guarantee></spec>'+nl if (disc_dynamics is None) and (prob is not None): disc_dynamics = prob.getDiscretizedDynamics() if disc_dynamics is not None: output += idt*idt_level+'<d_dyn>'+nl idt_level += 1 output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("domain", disc_dynamics.domain)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("trans", disc_dynamics.trans)+nl output += idt*idt_level+taglist("prop_symbols", disc_dynamics.list_prop_symbol)+nl output += idt*idt_level+'<regions>'+nl idt_level += 1 if disc_dynamics.list_region is not None and len(disc_dynamics.list_region) > 0: for R in disc_dynamics.list_region: output += tagregion(R, pretty=pretty, idt_level=idt_level) idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</regions>'+nl if disc_dynamics.orig_list_region is not None: output += idt*idt_level+taglist("orig_map", disc_dynamics.orig)+nl output += idt*idt_level+'<orig_partition>'+nl idt_level += 1 for P in disc_dynamics.orig_list_region: output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("cell", P)+nl idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</orig_partition>'+nl idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</d_dyn>'+nl if aut is None: output += idt*idt_level+'<aut></aut>'+nl else: output += aut.dumpXML(pretty=pretty, idt_level=idt_level)+nl output += idt_level*idt+'<extra></extra>'+nl idt_level -= 1 assert idt_level == 0 output += '</tulipcon>'+nl return output
def writeXMLfile(fname, prob=None, spec=['',''], sys_dyn=None, aut=None, disc_dynamics=None, synthesize_aut=False, verbose=0, pretty=False): """Write tulipcon XML string directly to a file. Returns nothing. (This is a convenience method, mostly only wrapping *dumpXML*.) """ with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(dumpXML(prob=prob, spec=spec, sys_dyn=sys_dyn, aut=aut, disc_dynamics=disc_dynamics, synthesize_aut=synthesize_aut, verbose=verbose, pretty=pretty)) return def loadXMLtrans(x, namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE): """Read only the continuous transition system from a tulipcon XML string. I.e., the continuous dynamics (A, B, etc.), and the proposition-preserving partition, along with its reachability data. Return (sys_dyn, disc_dynamics, horizon). Raise exception if critical error. """ if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, ET._ElementInterface): raise TypeError("tag to be parsed must be given as a string or ElementTree._ElementInterface.") if isinstance(x, str): elem = ET.fromstring(x) else: elem = x if (namespace is None) or (len(namespace) == 0): ns_prefix = "" else: ns_prefix = "{"+namespace+"}" if elem.tag != ns_prefix+"tulipcon": raise TypeError("root tag should be tulipcon.") if ("version" not in elem.attrib.keys()): raise ValueError("unversioned tulipcon XML string.") if int(elem.attrib["version"]) != 0: raise ValueError("unsupported tulipcon XML version: "+str(elem.attrib["version"])) # Build CtsSysDyn, or set to None c_dyn = elem.find(ns_prefix+"c_dyn") if c_dyn is None: sys_dyn = None else: (tag_name, A) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"A")) (tag_name, B) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"B")) (tag_name, E) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"E")) (tag_name, Uset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"U_set")) (tag_name, Wset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"W_set")) sys_dyn = discretize.CtsSysDyn(A, B, E, [], Uset, Wset) # Discrete dynamics, if available d_dyn = elem.find(ns_prefix+"d_dyn") if d_dyn is None: horizon = None disc_dynamics = None else: if not d_dyn.attrib.has_key("horizon"): raise ValueError("missing horizon length used for reachability computation.") horizon = int(d_dyn.attrib["horizon"]) if (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"domain") is None) \ and (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"trans") is None) \ and (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"prop_symbols") is None): disc_dynamics = None else: (tag_name, domain) = untagpolytope(d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"domain")) (tag_name, trans) = untagmatrix(d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"trans"), np_type=np.uint8) (tag_name, prop_symbols) = untaglist(d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"prop_symbols"), cast_f=str) region_elem = d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"regions") list_region = [] if region_elem is not None: region_items = d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"regions").findall(ns_prefix+"item") if region_items is not None and len(region_items) > 0: for region_item in region_items: (tag_name, R) = untagregion(region_item, cast_f_list=int, np_type_P=np.float64) list_region.append(R) disc_dynamics = prop2part.PropPreservingPartition(domain=domain, num_prop=len(prop_symbols), list_region=list_region, num_regions=len(list_region), adj=0, trans=trans, list_prop_symbol=prop_symbols) return (sys_dyn, disc_dynamics, horizon) def dumpXMLtrans(sys_dyn, disc_dynamics, horizon, extra="", pretty=False): """Return tulipcon XML containing only a continuous transition system. The argument extra (as a string) is copied verbatim into the <extra> element. The "pretty" flag has the same meaning as elsewhere (e.g., see docstring for dumpXML function). """ if not isinstance(sys_dyn, discretize.CtsSysDyn): raise TypeError("sys_dyn must be an instance of discretizeM.CtsSysDyn") if not isinstance(disc_dynamics, prop2part.PropPreservingPartition): raise TypeError("disc_dynamics must be an instance of prop2part.PropPreservingPartition") if pretty: nl = "\n" # Newline idt = " " # Indentation else: nl = "" idt = "" idt_level = 0 output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'+nl output += '<tulipcon xmlns="" version="0">'+nl idt_level += 1 output += idt*idt_level+'<c_dyn>'+nl idt_level += 1 output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("A",sys_dyn.A)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("B",sys_dyn.B)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("E",sys_dyn.E)+nl # Need facility for setting sample period; maybe as new attribute in CtsSysDyn class? output += idt*idt_level+'<sample_period>1</sample_period>'+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("U_set", sys_dyn.Uset)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("W_set", sys_dyn.Wset)+nl idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</c_dyn>'+nl output += idt*idt_level+'<d_dyn horizon="'+str(horizon)+'">'+nl idt_level += 1 output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("domain", disc_dynamics.domain)+nl output += idt*idt_level+tagmatrix("trans", disc_dynamics.trans)+nl output += idt*idt_level+taglist("prop_symbols", disc_dynamics.list_prop_symbol)+nl output += idt*idt_level+'<regions>'+nl idt_level += 1 if disc_dynamics.list_region is not None and len(disc_dynamics.list_region) > 0: for R in disc_dynamics.list_region: output += tagregion(R, pretty=pretty, idt_level=idt_level) idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</regions>'+nl if disc_dynamics.orig_list_region is not None: output += idt*idt_level+taglist("orig_map", disc_dynamics.orig)+nl output += idt*idt_level+'<orig_partition>'+nl idt_level += 1 for P in disc_dynamics.orig_list_region: output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("cell", P)+nl idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</orig_partition>'+nl idt_level -= 1 output += idt*idt_level+'</d_dyn>'+nl output += idt_level*idt+'<extra>'+extra+'</extra>'+nl idt_level -= 1 assert idt_level == 0 output += '</tulipcon>'+nl return output def untaglist(x, cast_f=float, namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE): """Extract list from given tulipcon XML tag (string). Use function cast_f for type-casting extracting element strings. The default is float, but another common case is cast_f=int (for "integer"). If cast_f is set to None, then items are left as extracted, i.e. as strings. The argument x can also be an instance of xml.etree.ElementTree._ElementInterface ; this is mainly for internal use, e.g. by the function untagpolytope and some load/dumpXML methods elsewhere. Return result as 2-tuple, containing name of the tag (as a string) and the list obtained from it. """ if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, ET._ElementInterface): raise TypeError("tag to be parsed must be given as a string or ElementTree._ElementInterface.") if isinstance(x, str): elem = ET.fromstring(x) else: elem = x if (namespace is None) or (len(namespace) == 0): ns_prefix = "" else: ns_prefix = "{"+namespace+"}" # Extract list if cast_f is None: cast_f = str litems = elem.findall(ns_prefix+'litem') if len(litems) > 0: li = [cast_f(k.attrib['value']) for k in litems] elif elem.text is None: li = [] else: li = [cast_f(k) for k in elem.text.split()] return (elem.tag, li) def untagdict(x, cast_f_keys=None, cast_f_values=None, namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE): """Extract list from given tulipcon XML tag (string). Use functions cast_f_keys and cast_f_values for type-casting extracting key and value strings, respectively, or None. The default is None, which means the extracted keys (resp., values) are left untouched (as strings), but another common case is cast_f_values=int (for "integer") or cast_f_values=float (for "floating-point numbers"), while leaving cast_f_keys=None to indicate dictionary keys are strings. The argument x can also be an instance of xml.etree.ElementTree._ElementInterface ; this is mainly for internal use, e.g. by the function untagpolytope and some load/dumpXML methods elsewhere. Return result as 2-tuple, containing name of the tag (as a string) and the dictionary obtained from it. """ if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, ET._ElementInterface): raise TypeError("tag to be parsed must be given as a string or ElementTree._ElementInterface.") if isinstance(x, str): elem = ET.fromstring(x) else: elem = x if (namespace is None) or (len(namespace) == 0): ns_prefix = "" else: ns_prefix = "{"+namespace+"}" # Extract dictionary items_li = elem.findall(ns_prefix+'item') if cast_f_keys is None: cast_f_keys = str if cast_f_values is None: cast_f_values = str di = dict() for item in items_li: # N.B., we will overwrite duplicate keys without warning! di[cast_f_keys(item.attrib['key'])] = cast_f_values(item.attrib['value']) return (elem.tag, di) def untagmatrix(x, np_type=np.float64): """Extract matrix from given tulipcon XML tag (string). np_type is the NumPy type into which to cast read string. The default is the most common, 64-bit floating point. The argument x can also be an instance of xml.etree.ElementTree._ElementInterface ; this is mainly for internal use, e.g. by the function untagpolytope and some load/dumpXML methods elsewhere. Return result as 2-tuple, containing name of the tag (as a string) and the NumPy ndarray obtained from it. """ if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, ET._ElementInterface): raise TypeError("tag to be parsed must be given as a string or ElementTree._ElementInterface.") if isinstance(x, str): elem = ET.fromstring(x) else: elem = x # N.B., just passing the reference. if elem.attrib['type'] != "matrix": raise ValueError("tag should indicate type of ``matrix''.") if elem.text is None: x_mat = np.array([]) # Handle special empty case. else: num_rows = int(elem.attrib['r']) num_cols = int(elem.attrib['c']) x_mat = np.array([k for k in elem.text.split()], dtype=np_type) x_mat = x_mat.reshape(num_rows, num_cols) return (elem.tag, x_mat) def untagpolytope(x, np_type=np.float64, namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE): """Extract polytope from given tuilpcon XML tag (string). Essentially calls untagmatrix and gathers results into Polytope instance. The argument x can also be an instance of xml.etree.ElementTree._ElementInterface ; this is mainly for internal use, e.g. by the function untagpolytope and some load/dumpXML methods elsewhere. Return result as 2-tuple, containing name of the tag (as a string) and the Polytope (as defined in tulip.polytope_computations). """ if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, ET._ElementInterface): raise TypeError("tag to be parsed must be given as a string or ElementTree._ElementInterface.") if isinstance(x, str): elem = ET.fromstring(x) else: elem = x if elem.attrib['type'] != "polytope": raise ValueError("tag should indicate type of ``polytope''.") if (namespace is None) or (len(namespace) == 0): ns_prefix = "" else: ns_prefix = "{"+DEFAULT_NAMESPACE+"}" h_tag = elem.find(ns_prefix+'H') k_tag = elem.find(ns_prefix+'K') (H_out_name, H_out) = untagmatrix(h_tag, np_type=np_type) (K_out_name, K_out) = untagmatrix(k_tag, np_type=np_type) return (elem.tag, pc.Polytope(H_out, K_out, normalize=False)) def untagregion(x, cast_f_list=str, np_type_P=np.float64, namespace=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE): """Extract region from given tulipcon XML tag (string). The argument x can also be an instance of xml.etree.ElementTree._ElementInterface ; this is mainly for internal use, e.g. by the function untagpolytope and some load/dumpXML methods elsewhere. Type-casting is handled as described by the untaglist and untagpolytope functions, which are passed the references cast_f_list and np_type_P, respectively. Return the result as 2-tuple, containing name of the tag (as a string) and the Region (as defined in tulip.polytope_computations). """ if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, ET._ElementInterface): raise TypeError("tag to be parsed must be given as a string or ElementTree._ElementInterface.") if (namespace is None) or (len(namespace) == 0): ns_prefix = "" else: ns_prefix = "{"+DEFAULT_NAMESPACE+"}" if isinstance(x, str): elem = ET.fromstring(x) else: elem = x if elem.tag != ns_prefix+"region": raise ValueError("tag must be an instance of ``region''.") (tag_name, list_prop) = untaglist(elem.find(ns_prefix+"list_prop"), cast_f=cast_f_list) if list_prop is None: list_prop = [] poly_tags = elem.findall(ns_prefix+"reg_item") list_poly = [] if poly_tags is not None and len(poly_tags) > 0: for P_elem in poly_tags: (tag_name, P) = untagpolytope(P_elem, np_type=np_type_P, namespace=namespace) list_poly.append(P) return (elem.tag, pc.Region(list_poly=list_poly, list_prop=list_prop)) def tagdict(name, di, pretty=False, idt_level=0): """Create tag that basically stores a dictionary object. If pretty is True, then use indentation and newlines to make the resulting XML string more visually appealing. idt_level is the base indentation level on which to create automaton string. This level is only relevant if pretty=True. N.B., all keys and values are treated as strings (and frequently wrapped in str() to force this behavior). Return the resulting string. On failure, raises an appropriate exception, or returns False. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("tag name must be a string.") if pretty: nl = "\n" # Newline idt = " " # Indentation else: nl = "" idt = "" output = idt*idt_level+'<'+name+'>'+nl for (k, v) in di.items(): output += idt*(idt_level+1)+'<item key="' + str(k) \ + '" value="' + str(v) + '" />'+nl output += idt*idt_level+'</'+name+'>'+nl return output def tagpolytope(name, P): """Create tag of type "Polytope", with given name. Polytope is as defined in tulip.polytope_computations module. Return the resulting string. On failure, raises an appropriate exception, or returns False. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("tag name must be a string.") # Handle nil polytope case if P is None or P == []: P = pc.Polytope(np.array([]), np.array([]), normalize=False) output = '<'+name+' type="polytope">' output += tagmatrix("H", P.A) output += tagmatrix("K", P.b) output += '</'+name+'>' return output def taglist(name, li, no_litem=False): """Create tag that basically stores a list object. N.B., all list elements are treated as strings (and wrapped in str() to force this behavior). By default, if an element in given list is of type string, then each element is placed in its own <litem> tag. This allows elements to be arbitrary (printable) strings in an XML file. To disable this, invoke taglist with no_litem=True. Return the resulting string. On failure, raises an appropriate exception, or returns False. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("tag name must be a string.") output = '<'+name+'>' if li is not None: has_str = False for k in li: if isinstance(k, str): has_str = True break if has_str and not no_litem: for k in li: output += '<litem value="'+str(k)+'" />' else: output += ' '.join([str(k) for k in li]) output += '</'+name+'>' return output def tagregion(R, pretty=False, idt_level=0): """Create tag of type "Region." Region is as defined in tulip.polytope_computations module. If pretty is True, then use indentation and newlines to make the resulting XML string more visually appealing. idt_level is the base indentation level on which to create automaton string. This level is only relevant if pretty=True. Return the resulting string. On failure, raises an appropriate exception, or returns False. """ if pretty: nl = "\n" # Newline idt = " " # Indentation else: nl = "" idt = "" # Handle nil Region case if R is None or R == []: R = pc.Region(list_poly=[], list_prop=[]) output = idt*idt_level+'<region>'+nl idt_level += 1 output += idt*idt_level+taglist("list_prop", R.list_prop)+nl if R.list_poly is not None and len(R.list_poly) > 0: for P in R.list_poly: output += idt*idt_level+tagpolytope("reg_item", P)+nl output += idt*(idt_level-1)+'</region>'+nl return output def tagmatrix(name, A): """Create tag of type "matrix", with given name. Given matrix, A, should be an ndarray. If it is a vector, rather than a matrix (i.e. if len(A.shape) = 1), then it is regarded as a column vector, i.e., we set r="m" c="1", where A has m elements. <name type="matrix" r="n" c="m">...</name> Return the resulting string. On failure, raises an appropriate exception, or returns False. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("tag name must be a string.") # Handle empty matrix case. if A is None or A == []: A = np.array([]) if len(A.shape) == 1 and A.shape[0] == 0: # Empty matrix? output = '<'+name+' type="matrix" r="0" c="0"></'+name+'>' elif len(A.shape) == 1: # Column vector? output = '<'+name+' type="matrix" r="'+str(A.shape[0]) \ +'" c="1">' for i in range(A.shape[0]-1): output += str(A[i]) + ' ' output += str(A[-1]) + '</'+name+'>' else: # Otherwise, treat as matrix output = '<'+name+' type="matrix" r="'+str(A.shape[0]) \ +'" c="'+str(A.shape[1])+'">' for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): if i == A.shape[0]-1 and j == A.shape[1]-1: break # ...since last element is not followed by a comma. output += str(A[i][j]) + ' ' output += str(A[-1][-1]) + '</'+name+'>' return output def yaml_polytope(x): """Given dictionary from YAML data file, return polytope.""" if x.has_key("V"): tmp_V = np.loadtxt(StringIO(x["V"])) return pc.qhull(tmp_V) else: tmp_H = np.loadtxt(StringIO(x["H"])) tmp_K = np.loadtxt(StringIO(x["K"])) if len(tmp_K.shape) == 1: tmp_K = np.reshape(tmp_K, (tmp_K.shape[0], 1)) return pc.Polytope(tmp_H, tmp_K) def readYAMLfile(fname, verbose=0): """Wrap loadYAML function.""" with open(fname, "r") as f: x = return loadYAML(x, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def loadYAML(x, verbose=0): """Read transition system specified using YAML in given string. Return (sys_dyn, initial_partition, N), where: - sys_dyn is the system dynamics (instance of CtsSysDyn), - cont_prop is the continuous propositions of the space (instance of PropPreservingPartition), and - N is the horizon length (default is 10). To easily read and process this string from a file, instead call the method *readYAMLfile*. Raise exception if critical error. """ if yaml is None: raise ImportError("PyYAML package not found.\nTo read/write YAML, you will need to install PyYAML; see") dumped_data = yaml.load(x) # Sanity check if (("A" not in dumped_data.keys()) or ("B" not in dumped_data.keys()) or ("U" not in dumped_data.keys()) or ("H" not in dumped_data["U"].keys()) or ("K" not in dumped_data["U"].keys()) or ("cont_prop" not in dumped_data.keys()) or ("X" not in dumped_data.keys()) or ("assumption" not in dumped_data.keys()) or ("guarantee" not in dumped_data.keys())): raise ValueError("Missing required data.") # Parse dynamics related strings A = np.loadtxt(StringIO(dumped_data["A"])) B = np.loadtxt(StringIO(dumped_data["B"])) U = yaml_polytope(dumped_data["U"]) X = yaml_polytope(dumped_data["X"]) if dumped_data.has_key("E"): E = np.loadtxt(StringIO(dumped_data["E"])) else: E = [] # No disturbances indicated by empty list. if dumped_data.has_key("W"): W = yaml_polytope(dumped_data["W"]) else: W = [] # No disturbances if dumped_data.has_key("horizon"): N = dumped_data["horizon"] else: N = 10 # Default to 10, as in function discretize.discretize env_vars = dict() if dumped_data.has_key("env_vars"): env_vars = dumped_data["env_vars"] sys_disc_vars = dict() if dumped_data.has_key("sys_disc_vars"): sys_disc_vars = dumped_data["sys_disc_vars"] # Parse initial partition cont_prop = dict() for (k, v) in dumped_data["cont_prop"].items(): cont_prop[k] = yaml_polytope(v) # Spec assumption = dumped_data["assumption"] guarantee = dumped_data["guarantee"] if verbose > 0: print "A =\n", A print "B =\n", B print "E =\n", E print "X =", X print "U =", U print "W =", W print "horizon (N) =", N for (k, v) in cont_prop.items(): print k+" =\n", v # Build transition system sys_dyn = discretize.CtsSysDyn(A, B, E, [], U, W) initial_partition = prop2part.prop2part2(X, cont_prop) return (sys_dyn, initial_partition, N, assumption, guarantee, env_vars, sys_disc_vars)