Source code for polytope.polytope

# Copyright (c) 2011 by California Institute of Technology
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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# 3. Neither the name of the California Institute of Technology nor
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# $Id$
#  Acknowledgement:
#  The overall structure of this library and the functions in the list
#  below are taken with permission from:
#  M. Kvasnica, P. Grieder and M. Baoti,
#  Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT),
#  mldivide
#  region_diff
#  extreme
#  envelope
#  is_convex
#  bounding_box
#  intersect2
#  projection_interhull
#  projection_exthull
A computational geometry module for polytope computations. The module
can be accessed by writing

> import tulip.polytope as pc

Primary functions: 
	- is_adjacent
	- reduce
	- is_fulldim
	- intersect
	- mldivide
	- cheby_ball
	- union
	- volume
	- projection
	- is_inside
	- envelope
	- extreme
	- Region
	- Polytope

import numpy as np
from cvxopt import matrix, solvers

from quickhull import quickhull
from esp import esp

# Find a lp solver to use
    import cvxopt.glpk
    lp_solver = 'glpk'
    print "GLPK (Gnu Linear Programming Kit) solver for CVXOPT not found, \
           reverting to CVXOPT's own solver. This may be slow"
    lp_solver = None

# Hide optimizer output
solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
solvers.options['LPX_K_MSGLEV'] = 0

# Nicer numpy output
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress = True)

[docs]class Polytope: """Polytope class with following fields - `A`: a numpy array for the hyperplane normals in hyperplane representation of a polytope - `b`: a numpy array for the hyperplane offsets in hyperplane representation of a polytope - `array`: python array in the case of a union of convex polytopes - `chebXc`: coordinates of chebyshev center (if calculated) - `chebR`: chebyshev radius (if calculated) - `bbox`: bounding box (if caluclated) - `minrep`: if polytope is in minimal representation (after running reduce) - `normalize`: if True (default), normalize given A and b arrays; else, use A and b without modification. """ def __init__(self,A = np.array([]),b = np.array([]), minrep = False, chebR = 0, chebX = None, fulldim = None, volume = None, vertices = None, normalize=True): self.A = A.astype(float) self.b = b.astype(float).flatten() if A.size > 0 and normalize: # Normalize Anorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(A*A,1)).flatten() pos = np.nonzero(Anorm > 1e-10)[0] self.A = self.A[pos, :] self.b = self.b[pos] Anorm = Anorm[pos] mult = 1/Anorm for i in range(self.A.shape[0]): self.A[i,:] = self.A[i,:]*mult[i] self.b = self.b.flatten()*mult self.minrep = minrep self.chebXc = chebX self.chebR = chebR self.bbox = None self.fulldim = fulldim self.volume = volume self.vertices = vertices def __str__(self): """Return pretty-formatted H-representation of polytope(s). """ try: output = "Single polytope \n" A = self.A b = self.b A_rows = str(A).split('\n') if len(b.shape) == 1: # If b is just an array, rather than column vector, b_rows = str(b.reshape(b.shape[0], 1)).split('\n') else: # Else, b is a column vector. b_rows = str(b).split('\n') mid_ind = (len(A_rows)-1)/2 spacer = ' | ' if mid_ind > 1: output += '\n'.join([A_rows[k]+spacer+b_rows[k] \ for k in range(mid_ind)]) + '\n' elif mid_ind == 1: output += A_rows[0]+spacer+b_rows[0] + '\n' else: output += '' output += A_rows[mid_ind]+' x <= '+b_rows[mid_ind] if mid_ind+1 < len(A_rows)-2: output += '\n' + '\n'.join([A_rows[k]+spacer+b_rows[k] \ for k in range(mid_ind+1, len(A_rows)-1)]) elif mid_ind+1 == len(A_rows)-2: output += '\n' + A_rows[mid_ind+1]+spacer+b_rows[mid_ind+1] if len(A_rows) > 1: output += '\n'+A_rows[-1]+spacer[1:]+b_rows[-1] output += "\n" return output except: return str(self.A) + str(self.b) def __len__(self): return 0 def __copy__(self): A = self.A.copy() b = self.b.copy() P = Polytope(A,b) P.chebXc = self.chebXc P.chebR = self.chebR P.minrep = self.minrep P.bbox = self.bbox P.fulldim = self.fulldim return P
[docs] def copy(self): """Return copy of this Polytope.""" return self.__copy__()
[docs]class Region: """Class for lists of convex polytopes Contains the following fields: - `list_poly`: list of Polytope objects - `list_prop`: list of propositions inside region - `bbox`: if calculated, bounding box of region (see bounding_box) - `fulldim`: if calculated, boolean indicating whether region is fully dimensional - `volume`: if calculated, volume of region - `chebXc`: coordinates of maximum chebyshev center (if calculated) - `chebR`: maximum chebyshev radius (if calculated) """ def __init__(self, list_poly=[], list_prop=[]): if isinstance(list_poly, str): # Hack to be able to use the Region class also for discrete # problems. self.list_poly = list_poly self.list_prop = list_prop else: if len(list_poly) > 0: dim = dimension(list_poly[0]) for poly in list_poly: if dimension(poly)!=dim: raise Exception("Region error: Polytopes must be of same dimension!") self.list_poly = list_poly[:] for poly in list_poly: if is_empty(poly): self.list_poly.remove(poly) self.list_prop = list_prop[:] self.bbox = None self.fulldim = None self.volume = None self.chebXc = None self.chebR = None def __str__(self): output = "" for i in range(len(self.list_poly)): output += "Polytope number " + str(i+1) + ":\n" + str(self.list_poly[i])+"\n" return output def __len__(self): return len(self.list_poly) def __copy__(self): """Return copy of this Region.""" return Region(list_poly=self.list_poly[:], list_prop=self.list_prop[:])
[docs] def copy(self): """Return copy of this Region.""" return self.__copy__()
[docs]def is_empty(polyreg): """Check if the description of a polytope is empty Input: `polyreg`: Polytope or Region instance Output: `result`: Boolean indicating whether polyreg is empty """ n = len(polyreg) if len(polyreg) == 0: try: return len(polyreg.A) == 0 except: return True else: N = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) for i in range(n): N[i] = is_empty(polyreg.list_poly[i]) if np.all(N): return True else: return False
[docs]def is_fulldim(polyreg, abs_tol=1e-7): """Check if a polytope or region has inner points. Input: - `polyreg`: Polytope or Region instance Output: - `result`: Boolean that is True if inner points found, False otherwise. """ if polyreg.fulldim != None: return polyreg.fulldim lenP = len(polyreg) if lenP == 0: rc,xc = cheby_ball(polyreg) status = rc > abs_tol else: status = np.zeros(lenP) for ii in range(lenP): rc,xc = cheby_ball(polyreg.list_poly[ii]) status[ii] = rc > abs_tol status = np.sum(status) status = status > 0 polyreg.fulldim = status return status
[docs]def is_convex(reg, abs_tol = 1e-7): """Check if a region is convex. Input: `reg`: Region object Output: `result,envelope`: result indicating if convex. if found to be convex the envelope describing the convex polytope is returned. """ if not is_fulldim(reg): return True if len(reg) == 0: return True outer = envelope(reg) if is_empty(outer): # Probably because input polytopes were so small and ugly.. return False,None Pl,Pu = bounding_box(reg) Ol,Ou = bounding_box(outer) bboxP = np.hstack([Pl,Pu]) bboxO = np.hstack([Ol,Ou]) if sum(abs(bboxP[:,0] - bboxO[:,0]) > abs_tol) > 0 | sum(abs(bboxP[:,1] - bboxO[:,1]) > abs_tol) > 0: return False,None if is_fulldim(mldivide(outer,reg)): return False,None else: return True,outer
[docs]def is_inside(poly1,p0,abs_tol=1e-7): """Checks if the point p0 satisfies all the inequalities of poly1. Input: `poly1`: Polytope or Region object. Output: `result`: Boolean being True or False""" if len(poly1) > 0: for poly2 in poly1.list_poly: if is_inside(poly2,p0): return True return False test =,p0.flatten()) - poly1.b < abs_tol return np.all(test)
[docs]def reduce(poly,nonEmptyBounded=1, abs_tol=1e-7): """Removes redundant inequalities in the hyperplane representation of the polytope with the algorithm described at by solving one LP for each facet Warning: - nonEmptyBounded == 0 case is not tested much. Input: `poly`: Polytope or Region object Output: `poly_red`: Reduced Polytope or Region object """ if len(poly) > 0: list = [] for poly2 in poly.list_poly: red = reduce(poly2) if is_fulldim(red): list.append(red) if len(list) > 0: return Region(list, poly.list_prop) else: return Polytope() if poly.minrep: # If polytope already in minimal representation return poly if not is_fulldim(poly): return Polytope() A_arr = poly.A b_arr = poly.b # Remove rows with b = inf keep_row = np.nonzero(poly.b != np.inf) A_arr = A_arr[keep_row] b_arr = b_arr[keep_row] neq = np.shape(A_arr)[0] # first eliminate the linearly dependent rows corresponding to the same hyperplane M1 = np.hstack([A_arr,np.array([b_arr]).T]).T M1row = 1/np.sqrt(np.sum(M1**2,0)) M1n =,np.diag(M1row)) M1n = M1n.T keep_row = [] for i in range(neq): keep_i = 1 for j in range(i+1,neq): if[i].T,M1n[j])>1-abs_tol: keep_i = 0 if keep_i: keep_row.append(i) A_arr = A_arr[keep_row] b_arr = b_arr[keep_row] neq, nx = A_arr.shape if nonEmptyBounded: if neq<=nx+1: return Polytope(A_arr,b_arr) # Now eliminate hyperplanes outside the bounding box if neq>3*nx: lb, ub = bounding_box(Polytope(A_arr,b_arr)) #cand = -(>0)*A_arr,ub-lb)-(,lb).T).T<-1e-4) cand = -(>0)*A_arr,ub-lb)-(np.array([b_arr]),lb))<-1e-4) A_arr = A_arr[cand.squeeze()] b_arr = b_arr[cand.squeeze()] neq, nx = A_arr.shape if nonEmptyBounded: if neq<=nx+1: return Polytope(A_arr,b_arr) del keep_row[:] for k in range(A_arr.shape[0]): f = -A_arr[k,:] G = A_arr h = b_arr h[k] += 0.1 sol=solvers.lp(matrix(f),matrix(G),matrix(h),None,None,lp_solver) h[k] -= 0.1 if sol['status'] == "optimal": obj = -sol['primal objective'] - h[k] if obj > abs_tol: keep_row.append(k) elif sol['status'] == "dual infeasable": keep_row.append(k) polyOut = Polytope(A_arr[keep_row],b_arr[keep_row]) polyOut.minrep = True return polyOut
[docs]def union(polyreg1,polyreg2,check_convex=False): """Compute the union of polytopes or regions Input: - `polyreg1, polyreg2`: polytopes or regions - `check_convex`: if True, look for convex unions and simplify Output: - region of non-overlapping polytopes describing the union """ if is_empty(polyreg1): return polyreg2 if is_empty(polyreg2): return polyreg1 if check_convex: s1 = intersect(polyreg1, polyreg2) if is_fulldim(s1): s2 = mldivide(polyreg2, polyreg1) s3 = mldivide(polyreg1, polyreg2) else: s2 = polyreg1 s3 = polyreg2 else: s1 = polyreg1 s2 = polyreg2 s3 = None list = [] if len(s1) == 0: if not is_empty(s1): list.append(s1) else: for poly in s1.list_poly: if not is_empty(poly): list.append(poly) if len(s2) == 0: if not is_empty(s2): list.append(s2) else: for poly in s2.list_poly: if not is_empty(poly): list.append(poly) if s3 != None: if len(s3) == 0: if not is_empty(s3): list.append(s3) else: for poly in s3.list_poly: if not is_empty(poly): list.append(poly) if check_convex: final = [] N = len(list) if N > 1: # Check convexity for each pair of polytopes while N>0: templist = [list[0]] for ii in range(1,N): templist.append(list[ii]) is_conv, env = is_convex(Region(templist,[])) if not is_conv: templist.remove(list[ii]) for poly in templist: list.remove(poly) cvxpoly = reduce(envelope(Region(templist,[]))) if not is_empty(cvxpoly): final.append(reduce(cvxpoly)) N = len(list) else: final = list ret = Region(final, []) else: ret = Region(list, []) return ret
[docs]def cheby_ball(poly1): """Calculate the Chebyshev radius and center for a polytope. If input is a region the largest Chebyshev ball is returned. Input: `poly1`: A Polytope object Output: `rc,xc`: Chebyshev radius rc (float) and center xc (numpy array) N.B., this function will return whatever it finds in attributes chebR and chbXc if not None, without (re)computing the Chebyshev ball. Example (low dimension): r1,x1 = cheby_ball(P, [1]) calculates the center and half the length of the longest line segment along the first coordinate axis inside polytope P """ if (poly1.chebXc != None) and (poly1.chebR != None): #In case chebyshev ball already calculated and stored return poly1.chebR,poly1.chebXc if len(poly1) > 0: maxr = 0 maxx = None for poly in poly1.list_poly: rc,xc = cheby_ball(poly) if rc > maxr: maxr = rc maxx = xc poly1.chebXc = maxx poly1.chabR = maxr return maxr,maxx if is_empty(poly1): return 0,None r = 0 xc = None A = poly1.A c = -matrix(np.r_[np.zeros(np.shape(A)[1]),1]) norm2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(A*A, axis=1)) G = np.c_[A, norm2] G = matrix(G) h = matrix(poly1.b) sol = solvers.lp(c, G, h, None, None, lp_solver) if sol['status'] == "optimal": r = sol['x'][-1] if r < 0: return 0,None xc = sol['x'][0:-1] else: # Polytope is empty poly1 = Polytope(fulldim = False) return 0,None poly1.chebXc = np.array(xc) poly1.chebR = np.double(r) return poly1.chebR,poly1.chebXc
[docs]def dimension(polyreg): """Get the dimension of a polytope or region. Input: `polyreg`: Polytope or Region object Output: `dim`: Dimension of input""" if len(polyreg) == 0: try: return np.shape(polyreg.A)[1] except: return 0 else: return np.shape(polyreg.list_poly[0].A)[1]
[docs]def bounding_box(polyreg): """Compute the smallest hyperbox containing the polytope or region""" if polyreg.bbox != None: return polyreg.bbox lenP = len(polyreg) # For regions, calculate recursively for each # convex polytope and take maximum if lenP>0: dimP = dimension(polyreg) alllower = np.zeros([lenP,dimP]) allupper = np.zeros([lenP,dimP]) for ii in range(0,lenP): bbox = bounding_box(polyreg.list_poly[ii]) ll,uu = bbox alllower[ii,:]=ll.T allupper[ii,:]=uu.T l = np.zeros([dimP,1]) u = np.zeros([dimP,1]) for ii in range(0,dimP): l[ii] = min(alllower[:,ii]) u[ii] = max(allupper[:,ii]) polyreg.bbox = l,u return l,u # For one convex polytope, solve an optimization # problem m = np.shape(polyreg.A)[0] n = np.shape(polyreg.A)[1] In = np.eye(n) l = np.zeros([n,1]) u = np.zeros([n,1]) for i in range(0,n): c = matrix(np.array(In[:,i])) G = matrix(polyreg.A) h = matrix(polyreg.b) sol = solvers.lp(c, G, h, None, None, lp_solver) if sol['status'] == "optimal": x = sol['x'] l[i] = x[i] for i in range(0,n): c = matrix(-np.array(In[:,i])) G = matrix(polyreg.A) h = matrix(polyreg.b) sol = solvers.lp(c, G, h, None, None, lp_solver) if sol['status'] == "optimal": x = sol['x'] u[i] = x[i] polyreg.bbox = l,u return l,u
[docs]def envelope(reg, abs_tol=1e-7): """Compute envelope of a region. The envelope is the polytope defined by all "outer" inequalities a x < b such that {x | a x < b} intersection P = P for all polytopes P in the region. In other words we want to find all "outer" equalities of the region. If envelope can't be computed an empty polytope is returned Input: `polyreg`: Polytope or Region `abs_tol`: Absolute tolerance for calculations Output: `envelope`: Envelope of input """ Ae = None be = None nP = len(reg.list_poly) for i in range(nP): poly1 = reg.list_poly[i] outer_i = np.ones(poly1.A.shape[0]) for ii in range(poly1.A.shape[0]): if outer_i[ii] == 0: # If inequality already discarded continue for j in range(nP): # Check for each polytope if it intersects with inequality ii if i == j: continue poly2 = reg.list_poly[j] testA = np.vstack([poly2.A, -poly1.A[ii,:]]) testb = np.hstack([poly2.b, -poly1.b[ii]]) testP = Polytope(testA,testb) rc,xc = cheby_ball(testP) if rc > abs_tol: # poly2 intersects with inequality ii -> this inequality # can not be in envelope outer_i[ii] = 0 ind_i = np.nonzero(outer_i)[0] if Ae == None: Ae = poly1.A[ind_i,:] be = poly1.b[ind_i] else: Ae = np.vstack([Ae, poly1.A[ind_i,:]]) be = np.hstack([be, poly1.b[ind_i]]) ret = reduce(Polytope(Ae,be)) if is_fulldim(ret): return ret else: return Polytope()
[docs]def mldivide(poly1,poly2): """Compute a set difference poly1 \ poly2 between two regions or polytopes Input: - `poly1`: Starting polytope - `poly2`: Polytope to subtract Output: - `region`: Region describing the set difference""" P = Polytope() if len(poly1) > 0: for ii in range(len(poly1.list_poly)): Pdiff = region_diff(poly1.list_poly[ii],poly2) P = union(P,Pdiff, False) else: P = region_diff(poly1,poly2) return P
[docs]def intersect(poly1,poly2,abs_tol=1e-7): """Compute the intersection between two polytopes or regions Input: - `poly1`,`poly2`: Polytopes to intersect Output: - Intersection described by a polytope """ if (not is_fulldim(poly1)) or (not is_fulldim(poly2)): return Polytope() if dimension(poly1) != dimension(poly2): raise Exception("polytopes have different dimension") if len(poly1) > 0: P = Polytope() for poly in poly1.list_poly: int_p = intersect(poly, poly2, abs_tol) rp, xp = cheby_ball(int_p) if rp > abs_tol: P = union(P, int_p, check_convex=False) return P if len(poly2) > 0: P = Polytope() for poly in poly2.list_poly: int_p = intersect(poly1, poly, abs_tol) rp, xp = cheby_ball(int_p) if rp > abs_tol: P = union(P, int_p, check_convex=False) return P iA = np.vstack([poly1.A, poly2.A]) ib = np.hstack([poly1.b, poly2.b]) return reduce(Polytope(iA,ib), abs_tol=abs_tol)
[docs]def volume(polyreg): """Approximately compute the volume of a Polytope or Region. A randomized algorithm is used. Input: - `polyreg`: Polytope or Region Output: - Volume of input""" if not is_fulldim(polyreg): return 0. try: if polyreg.volume != None: return polyreg.volume except: print "vol" if len(polyreg) > 0: tot_vol = 0. for i in range(len(polyreg)): tot_vol += volume(polyreg.list_poly[i]) polyreg.volume = tot_vol return tot_vol n = polyreg.A.shape[1] if n == 1: N = 50 elif n == 2: N = 500 elif n ==3: N = 3000 else: N = 10000 l_b, u_b = bounding_box(polyreg) x = np.tile(l_b,(1,N)) + np.random.rand(n,N)*np.tile(u_b-l_b,(1,N)) aux =,x)-np.tile(np.array([polyreg.b]).T,(1,N)) aux = np.nonzero(np.all(((aux < 0)==True),0))[0].shape[0] vol =*aux/N polyreg.volume = vol return vol
[docs]def extreme(poly1): """Compute the extreme points of a _bounded_ polytope Input: - `poly1`: Polytope in dimension d Output: - A (N x d) numpy array containing the N vertices of poly1 """ if poly1.vertices != None: # In case vertices already stored return poly1.vertices V = np.array([]) if len(poly1) > 0: raise Exception("'extreme' not executable for regions") poly1 = reduce(poly1) # Need to have polytope non-redundant! if not is_fulldim(poly1): return None A = poly1.A.copy() b = poly1.b.copy() sh = np.shape(A) nc = sh[0] nx = sh[1] if nx == 1: # Polytope is a 1-dim line for ii in range(nc): V = np.append(V,b[ii]/A[ii]) if len(A) == 1: R = np.append(R,1) elif nx == 2: # Polytope is 2D alf = np.angle(A[:,0]+1j*A[:,1]) I = np.argsort(alf) Y = alf[I] H = np.vstack([A, A[0,:]]) K = np.hstack([b, b[0]]) I = np.hstack([I,I[0]]) for ii in range(nc): HH = np.vstack([H[I[ii],:],H[I[ii+1],:]]) KK = np.hstack([K[I[ii]],K[I[ii+1]]]) if np.linalg.cond(HH) == np.inf: R = np.append(R,1) else: v = np.linalg.solve(HH, KK) if len(V) == 0: V = np.append(V,v) else: V = np.vstack([V,v]) else: # General nD method, # solve a vertex enumeration problem for # the dual polytope rmid,xmid = cheby_ball(poly1) A = poly1.A.copy() b = poly1.b.copy() sh = np.shape(A) Ai = np.zeros(sh) for ii in range(sh[0]): Ai[ii,:] = A[ii,:]/(b[ii][ii,:],xmid)) Q = reduce(qhull(Ai)) if not is_fulldim(Q): return None H = Q.A K = Q.b sh = np.shape(H) nx = sh[1] V = np.zeros(sh) for iv in range(sh[0]): for ix in range(nx): V[iv,ix] = H[iv,ix]/K[iv] + xmid[ix] poly1.vertices = V return V.reshape(V.size/nx,nx)
[docs]def qhull(vertices,abs_tol=1e-7): """Use quickhull to compute a convex hull. Input: - `vertices`: A N x d array containing N vertices in dimension d Output: - Polytope describing the convex hull""" A,b,vert = quickhull(vertices,abs_tol=abs_tol) if A.size == 0: return Polytope() return Polytope(A,b,minrep=True,vertices=vert)
[docs]def projection(poly1, dim, solver=None, abs_tol=1e-7, verbose=0): """Projects a polytope onto lower dimensions. Input: - `poly1`: Polytope to project - `dim`: Dimensions on which to project - `solver`: A solver can be specified, if left blank an attempt is made to choose the most suitable solver. - `verbose`: if positive, print solver used in case of guessing; default is 0 (be silent). Available solvers are: - "esp": Equality Set Projection; - "exthull": vertex projection; - "fm": Fourier-Motzkin projection; - "iterhull": iterative hull method. Output: - Projected polytope in lower dimension Example: To project the polytope `P` onto the first three dimensions, use >>> P_proj = projection(P, [1,2,3]) """ if len(poly1) > 0: ret = Polytope() for i in range(len(poly1.list_poly)): p = projection(poly1.list_poly[i], dim, solver=solver, abs_tol=abs_tol) ret = union(ret, p, check_convex=True) return ret if (dimension(poly1) < len(dim)) or is_empty(poly1): return poly1 dim = np.array(dim) org_dim = range(dimension(poly1)) new_dim = dim.flatten() - 1 del_dim = np.setdiff1d(org_dim,new_dim) # Index of dimensions to remove # Compute cheby ball in lower dim to see if projection exists norm = np.sum(poly1.A*poly1.A, axis=1).flatten() norm[del_dim] = 0 c = matrix(np.zeros(len(org_dim)+1, dtype=float)) c[len(org_dim)] = -1 G = matrix(np.hstack([poly1.A, norm.reshape(norm.size,1)])) h = matrix(poly1.b) sol = solvers.lp(c,G,h,None,None,lp_solver) if sol['status'] != "optimal": # Projection not fulldim return Polytope() if sol['x'][-1] < abs_tol: return Polytope() if solver == "esp": return projection_esp(poly1,new_dim, del_dim) elif solver == "exthull": return projection_exthull(poly1,new_dim) elif solver == "fm": return projection_fm(poly1,new_dim,del_dim) elif solver == "iterhull": return projection_iterhull(poly1,new_dim) elif solver is not None: print "WARNING: unrecognized projection solver \""+str(solver)+"\"." if len(del_dim) <= 2: if verbose > 0: print "projection: using Fourier-Motzkin." return projection_fm(poly1,new_dim,del_dim) elif len(org_dim) <= 4: if verbose > 0: print "projection: using exthull." return projection_exthull(poly1,new_dim) else: if verbose > 0: print "projection: using iterative hull." return projection_iterhull(poly1,new_dim)
[docs]def separate(reg1, abs_tol=1e-7): """Divide a region into several regions such that they are all connected. Input: - `reg1`: Region object - `abs_tol`: Absolute tolerance Output: List [] of connected Regions """ final = [] ind_left = range(len(reg1)) prop_list = reg1.list_prop while len(ind_left) > 0: ind_del = [] connected_reg = Region([reg1.list_poly[ind_left[0]]], []) ind_del.append(ind_left[0]) for i in range(1,len(ind_left)): j = ind_left[i] if is_adjacent(connected_reg, reg1.list_poly[j]): connected_reg = union(connected_reg, reg1.list_poly[j], check_convex = False) ind_del.append(j) connected_reg.list_prop = prop_list final.append(connected_reg) ind_left = np.setdiff1d(ind_left, ind_del) return final
[docs]def is_adjacent(poly1, poly2, overlap=False, abs_tol=1e-7): """Checks if two polytopes or regions are adjacent by enlarging both slightly and checking the intersection Input: - `poly1,poly2`: Polytopes or Regions to check - `abs_tol`: absolute tolerance - `overlap`: used for overlapping polytopes, functions returns True if polytopes are neighbors OR overlap Output: True if polytopes are adjacent, False otherwise""" if dimension(poly1) != dimension(poly2): raise Exception("is_adjacent: polytopes do not have the same dimension") if len(poly1) > 0: for i in range(len(poly1)): adj = is_adjacent(poly1.list_poly[i], poly2, \ overlap=overlap, abs_tol=abs_tol) if adj: return True return False if len(poly2) > 0: for j in range(len(poly2)): adj = is_adjacent(poly1, poly2.list_poly[j], \ overlap=overlap, abs_tol=abs_tol) if adj: return True return False A1_arr = poly1.A.copy() A2_arr = poly2.A.copy() b1_arr = poly1.b.copy() b2_arr = poly2.b.copy() if overlap: b1_arr += abs_tol b2_arr += abs_tol dummy = Polytope(np.concatenate((A1_arr,A2_arr)),np.concatenate((b1_arr,b2_arr))) return is_fulldim(dummy, abs_tol=abs_tol/10) else: M1 = np.concatenate((poly1.A,np.array([poly1.b]).T),1).T M1row = 1/np.sqrt(np.sum(M1**2,0)) M1n =,np.diag(M1row)) M2 = np.concatenate((poly2.A,np.array([poly2.b]).T),1).T M2row = 1/np.sqrt(np.sum(M2**2,0)) M2n =,np.diag(M2row)) if not np.any(,M2n)<-0.99): return False neq1 = M1n.shape[1] neq2 = M2n.shape[1] dummy =,M2n) cand = np.nonzero(dummy==dummy.min()) i = cand[0][0] j = cand[1][0] b1_arr[i] += abs_tol b2_arr[j] += abs_tol dummy = Polytope(np.concatenate((A1_arr,A2_arr)),np.concatenate((b1_arr,b2_arr))) return is_fulldim(dummy, abs_tol=abs_tol/10) #### Helper functions ####
[docs]def projection_fm(poly1, new_dim, del_dim, abs_tol=1e-7): """Help function implementing Fourier Motzkin projection. Should work well for eliminating few dimensions.""" del_dim = -np.sort(-del_dim) # Remove last dim first to handle indices if not poly1.minrep: poly1 = reduce(poly1) poly = poly1.copy() for i in del_dim: positive = np.nonzero(poly.A[:,i] > abs_tol)[0] negative = np.nonzero(poly.A[:,i] < abs_tol)[0] null = np.nonzero(np.abs(poly.A[:,i]) < abs_tol)[0] nr = len(null)+ len(positive)*len(negative) nc = np.shape(poly.A)[0] C = np.zeros([nr,nc]) A = poly.A[:,i].copy() row = 0 for j in positive: for k in negative: C[row,j] = -A[k] C[row,k] = A[j] row += 1 for j in null: C[row,j] = 1 row += 1 keep_dim = np.setdiff1d(range(poly.A.shape[1]), np.array([i])) poly = Polytope(,poly.A)[:,keep_dim],,poly.b)) if not is_fulldim(poly): return Polytope() poly = reduce(poly) return poly
[docs]def projection_exthull(poly1,new_dim): """Help function implementing vertex projection. Efficient in low dimensions.""" vert = extreme(poly1) if vert == None: # qhull failed return Polytope(fulldim=False, minrep=True) return reduce(qhull(vert[:,new_dim]))
[docs]def projection_iterhull(poly1,new_dim,max_iter=1000,verbose=0,abs_tol=1e-7): '''Helper function implementing the "iterative hull" method. Works best when projecting _to_ lower dimensions.''' r,xc = cheby_ball(poly1) org_dim = poly1.A.shape[1] if verbose > 0: print "Starting iterhull projection from dim " + str(org_dim) + \ " to dim " + str(len(new_dim)) if len(new_dim) == 1: f1 = np.zeros(poly1.A.shape[1]) f1[new_dim] = 1 sol = solvers.lp(matrix(f1), matrix(poly1.A), matrix(poly1.b), None, None, lp_solver) if sol['status'] == "optimal": vert1 = sol['x'] sol = solvers.lp(matrix(-f1), matrix(poly1.A), matrix(poly1.b), None, None, lp_solver) if sol['status'] == "optimal": vert2 = sol['x'] vert = np.vstack([vert1,vert2]) return qhull(vert) else: OK = False cnt = 0 Vert = None while not OK: #Maximizing in random directions #to find a starting simplex cnt += 1 if cnt > max_iter: raise Exception("iterative_hull: could not find starting simplex") f1 = np.random.rand(len(new_dim)).flatten() - 0.5 f = np.zeros(org_dim) f[new_dim]=f1 sol = solvers.lp(matrix(-f), matrix(poly1.A), matrix(poly1.b), None, None, lp_solver) xopt = np.array(sol['x']).flatten() if Vert == None: Vert = xopt.reshape(1,xopt.size) else: k = np.nonzero( Vert[:,new_dim[0]] == xopt[new_dim[0]] )[0] for j in new_dim[range(1,len(new_dim))]: ii = np.nonzero(Vert[k,j] == xopt[j])[0] k = k[ii] if k.size == 0: break if k.size == 0: Vert = np.vstack([Vert,xopt]) if Vert.shape[0] > len(new_dim): u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(np.transpose(Vert[:,new_dim] - Vert[0,new_dim])) rank = np.sum(s > abs_tol*10) if rank == len(new_dim): # If rank full we have found a starting simplex OK = True if verbose > 1: print "Found starting simplex after " + str(cnt) + " iterations" cnt = 0 P1 = qhull(Vert[:,new_dim]) HP = None while True: # Iteration: # Maximaze in direction of each facet # Take convex hull of all vertices cnt += 1 if cnt > max_iter: raise Exception("iterative_hull: maximum number of iterations reached") if verbose > 1: print "Iteration number " + str(cnt) for ind in range(P1.A.shape[0]): f1 = np.round(P1.A[ind,:]/abs_tol)*abs_tol f2 = np.hstack([np.round(P1.A[ind,:]/abs_tol)*abs_tol, \ np.round(P1.b[ind]/abs_tol)*abs_tol]) # See if already stored k = np.array([]) if HP != None: k = np.nonzero( HP[:,0] == f2[0] )[0] for j in range(1,np.shape(P1.A)[1]+1): ii = np.nonzero(HP[k,j] == f2[j])[0] k = k[ii] if k.size == 0: break if k.size == 1: # Already stored xopt = HP[k, range(np.shape(P1.A)[1]+1,np.shape(P1.A)[1] + np.shape(Vert)[1] + 1) ] else: # Solving optimization to find new vertex f = np.zeros(poly1.A.shape[1]) f[new_dim]=f1 sol = solvers.lp(matrix(-f), matrix(poly1.A), matrix(poly1.b), None, None, lp_solver) if sol['status'] != 'optimal': if verbose > 1: print("iterhull: LP failure") continue xopt = np.array(sol['x']).flatten() add = np.hstack([f2, np.round(xopt/abs_tol)*abs_tol]) # Add new half plane information # HP format: [ P1.Ai xopt] if HP == None: HP = add.reshape(1,add.size) else: HP = np.vstack([HP,add]) Vert = np.vstack([Vert, xopt]) if verbose > 1: print "Taking convex hull of new points" P2 = qhull(Vert[:,new_dim]) if verbose > 1: print "Checking if new points are inside convex hull" OK = 1 for i in range(np.shape(Vert)[0]): if not is_inside(P1,Vert[i,new_dim],abs_tol=1e-5): # If all new points are inside old polytope -> Finished OK = 0 break if OK == 1: if verbose > 0: print "Returning projection after " + str(cnt) + " iterations\n" return P2 else: # Iterate P1 = P2
[docs]def projection_esp(poly1,keep_dim,del_dim): '''Helper function implementing "Equality set projection". Very buggy.''' C = poly1.A[:,keep_dim] D = poly1.A[:,del_dim] if not is_fulldim(poly1): return Polytope() G,g,E = esp(C,D,poly1.b) return Polytope(G,g)
[docs]def region_diff(poly,reg, abs_tol=1e-7, intersect_tol=1e-7): """Subtract a region from a polytope Input: - `poly`: polytope from which to subtract a region - `reg`: region which should be subtracted - `abs_tol`: absolute tolerance Output: - polytope or region containing non-overlapping polytopes """ Pdummy = poly res = Polytope() # Initiate output N = len(reg) if N == 0: # Hack if reg happens to be a polytope reg = Region([reg],[]) N = 1 if is_empty(reg): return poly if is_empty(poly): return Polytope() Rc = np.zeros(N) # Checking intersections to find intersecting regions for ii in range(N): dummy = Polytope(np.vstack([poly.A,reg.list_poly[ii].A]),np.hstack([poly.b,reg.list_poly[ii].b])) Rc[ii], xc = cheby_ball(dummy) N = np.sum(Rc>=intersect_tol) if N==0: return poly # Sort radiuses Rc = -Rc ind = np.argsort(Rc) val = Rc[ind] A = poly.A.copy() B = poly.b.copy() H = A.copy() K = B.copy() m = np.shape(A)[0] mi = np.zeros([N,1], dtype=int) # Finding contraints that are not in original polytope HK = np.hstack([H,np.array([K]).T]) for ii in range(N): i = ind[ii] if not is_fulldim(reg.list_poly[i]): continue Hni = reg.list_poly[i].A.copy() Kni = reg.list_poly[i].b.copy() for j in range(np.shape(Hni)[0]): HKnij = np.hstack([Hni[j,:], Kni[j]]) HK2 = np.tile(HKnij,[m,1]) abs = np.abs(HK-HK2) if np.all(np.sum(abs,axis=1) >= abs_tol): # The constraint HKnij is not in original polytope mi[ii]=mi[ii]+1 A = np.vstack([A, Hni[j,:]]) B = np.hstack([B, Kni[j]]) if np.any(mi == 0): # If some Ri has no active constraints, Ri covers R return Polytope() M = np.sum(mi) if len( mi[0:len(mi)-1]) > 0: csum = np.cumsum(np.vstack([0,mi[0:len(mi)-1]])) beg_mi = csum + m*np.ones(len(csum),dtype = int) else: beg_mi = np.array([m]) A = np.vstack([A, -A[range(m,m+M),:]]) B = np.hstack([B, -B[range(m,m+M),:]]) counter = np.zeros([N,1], dtype=int) INDICES = np.arange(m, dtype=int) level = 0 while level!=-1: if counter[level] == 0: for j in range(level,N): auxINDICES = np.hstack([INDICES, range(beg_mi[j],beg_mi[j]+mi[j])]) Adummy = A[auxINDICES,:] bdummy = B[auxINDICES] R,xopt = cheby_ball(Polytope(Adummy,bdummy)) if R > abs_tol: level = j counter[level] = 1 INDICES = np.hstack([INDICES, beg_mi[level]+M]) break if R < abs_tol: level = level - 1 res = union(res, Polytope(A[INDICES,:],B[INDICES]), False) nzcount = np.nonzero(counter)[0] for jj in range(len(nzcount)-1,-1,-1): if counter[level] <= mi[level]: INDICES[len(INDICES)-1] = INDICES[len(INDICES)-1] - M INDICES = np.hstack([INDICES, beg_mi[level] + counter[level] + M]) break else: counter[level] = 0 INDICES = INDICES[0:m+sum(counter)] if level == -1: return res else: # counter(level) > 0 nzcount = np.nonzero(counter)[0] for jj in range(len(nzcount)-1,-1,-1): level = nzcount[jj] counter[level] = counter[level] + 1 if counter[level] <= mi[level]: INDICES[len(INDICES)-1] = INDICES[len(INDICES)-1] - M INDICES = np.hstack([INDICES, beg_mi[level]+counter[level]+M-1]) break else: counter[level] = 0 INDICES = INDICES[0:m+np.sum(counter)] level = level - 1 if level == -1: return res test_poly = Polytope(A[INDICES,:],B[INDICES]) rc,xc = cheby_ball(test_poly) if rc > abs_tol: if level == N - 1: res = union(res, reduce(test_poly), False) else: level = level + 1 return res
[docs]def num_bin(N, places=8): """Return N as list of bits, zero-filled to places. E.g., given N=7, num_bin returns [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]. """ return [(N>>k)&0x1 for k in range(places)]