5. Enumerated property representations

The subpackage tulip.transys (abbreviated to transys below) contains classes for representing discrete relations with data structures that are enumerated in the computer’s memory. This contrasts with symbolic data structures, discussed in the literature.

The core class is transys.labeled_graphs.LabeledDiGraph, itself a subclass of networkx.MultiDiGraph. The design philosophy is to deviate little from networkx, so it helps to familiarize oneself directly with networkx.

The modules transys.mathset and transys.products are auxiliary, and the subpackage transys.export contains functionality for saving graphs in various formats, mainly formatting for layout by GraphViz.

The entry point for a user comprises of the transys modules:

  • transys

  • automata

  • machines

The mathematical objects representable with classes from these modules can all be described uniformly and elegantly in the same mathematical language. The only reason that different classes are available is for reasons of implementation convenience for the user.

The following discussion is organized into parts. First, we describe the class LabeledDiGraph, because the above modules contain its children. Second, we describe the children in each module.

5.1. Labeled graphs

Already, networkx graphs provide labeling capabilities for nodes and edges. A dict is associated with each node and (multi)edge. The labeling annotation can be stored as a key-value pair in the dict. What networkx does not provide is a mechanism for checking label consistency.

This is the main purpose of LabeledDiGraph, via mathset.TypedDict. In the following, we call this consistency check “label type checking”.

A LabeledDiGraph is associated with label types, defined as arguments to the constructor. Each label type is identified by a key, and is associated to values that can be paired to the key.

Each graph node or edge can be annotated with a key-value pair. If the key belongs to the label types, then the value must be consistent with the type definition for that key. For example:

from tulip.transys import labeled_graphs

t = dict(name='color', values={'red', 'green', 'blue'},
         setter=True, default='green')
g = labeled_graphs.LabeledDiGraph(node_label_types=[t])
g.add_node(0, color='red')

Upon creation, each node is labeled with the default value, here green.

If we try to assign an invalid value to the typed key color, then an AttributeError will be raised. In this case, the only typed key is 'color'. You cannot use another key, unless you pass check=False, as in

g.add_node(0, mode='on', check=False)

Using untyped keys like mode allows any key, as is normal in networkx. But arbitrarily named keys won’t be recognized by transys, and the right keys with the wrong values will cause errors in tulip. This is the motivation for implementing typing. Untyped keys are allowed for any additional annotation that one may need to solve a particular problem.

Arguably, a most handy method is save:


LabeledDiGraph is not intended to be instantiated itself, but subclassed. The following sections consider the subclasses present in the three main modules of transys. To define your own subclasses of LabeledDiGraphs, read its docstring. In that case, the constructors (__init__) of existing subclasses can serve as examples.

5.2. Transition systems

A transys.transys.FiniteTransitionSystem describes a set of sequences of nodes (states), as all the paths through it. This set corresponds to a set of sequences of labels, via the node and edge label annotations. Usually, it is the latter set of sequences that is specified by a temporal logic formula.

Each node is labeled with a set of atomic propositions, owned by the player that governs the change of current node. Each edge is labeled with:

  • a system action (key 'sys_actions')

  • an environment action (key 'env_actions')

If there is no environment, then the transition system describes a “closed system” (only existentially quantified), with only system actions. Otherwise, the transition system describes the interaction between two players, an “open system”, or game.

Viewing it as a game is an informal way of referring to the existential and universal quantifiers that are later applied to system and environment variables, respectively.

from tulip.transys import transys

g = transys.FTS()
g.atomic_propositions |= {'a', 'b'}
g.add_node('s0', ap={'a'})
# 2 ways to change a label
g.add_node('s0', ap={'b'})
# or
g.node['s0']['ap'] = {'b'}

The method add_node overwrites the existing label, so the label value {'a'} is replaced by {'b'}. The attribute atomic_propositions allows adding more symbols to an existing set.

The argument-value pair ap={'a'} is used as a key-value pair in the dict that stores the node’s annotation. An existing dict can also be passed, by unpacking, or using the argument attr_dict.

The annotation can be retrieved with:

annot = g.node['s0']['ap']

This assigns to annot the exact set object that labels the node 's0'. If no modification is intended, it is safer to copy that set

r = g.node['s0']['ap']
annot = set(r)

Attention is required, to avoid invalidating labels by mutation. The label values are checked only through add_node or setting of a value for TypedDict. If we directly modify an existing label value g.node['s0']['ap'].add('c'), then we can alter it to become invalid ('c' is not in atomic_propositions).

To guard against such invalid values, call the method LabeledDiGraph.is_consistent, which will detect any inconsistencies. In the future, the integrated type checking may be replaced completely with the flat approach of calling is_consistent.

To avoid this issue altogether, labels can be modified as follows

from tulip.transys import transys

g = transys.FTS()
g.atomic_propositions |= {'a', 'b', 'c'}
g.add_node('s0', ap={'a'})
# this does trigger type checking
g.node['s0']['ap'] = g.node['s0']['ap'].union({'b', 'c'})
# equivalently
r = g.node['s0']['ap']
r = r.union({'b', 'c'})
g.add_node('s0', ap=r)

The same mechanisms work for edges, but it is advisable to use LabeledDiGraph.transitions.find instead. This avoids having to reason about the integer keys used internally by networkx to distinguish between edges with the same pair of endpoint nodes (multi-edges). A method LabeledDiGraph.states.find is available too.

The method LabeledDiGraph.transitions.find is intended as a tool to slice the transition relation:

  • find all edges from a given state

  • find all edges to a given state

  • find all edges with given label

  • any combination of the above

For example, to find from state 's0' with sys_action = 'jump' all possible post states,

set([e[1] for e in g.transitions.find('s0', with_attr_dict={'sys_action':'jump'})])

Alternatively find() may be bypassed in favor of the networkx method edges, as in

[u for u, d in g.edges('s0', data=True) if d['sys_action'] == 'jump']

To add or label multiple nodes with one call, call LabeledDiGraph.add_nodes_from, as described here.

nodes = range(3)
# multiple nodes, common label
label = {'snow', 'north'}
g.add_nodes_from([(u, dict(ap=label)) for u in nodes])
# multiple nodes, different labels
labels = [{'a'}, {'a', 'b'}, {'b'}]
g.add_nodes_from([(u, dict(ap=label)) for u, label in zip(nodes, labels)])

This might look cumbersome, but it becomes convenient for setting multiple labels:

g.add_edges_from(0, 1, env_actions='block', sys_actions='jump')

5.3. Automata

There is no real difference between a “transition system” and an “automaton”. Both are ways of describing a set of sequences. The only difference is that some parts of an automaton are omitted when talking about a transition system, because they are trivial.

Currently, the automata in transys are “existential”. This means that a sequence belongs to the set described by an automaton, if, and only if, there exists at least one satisfactory path through the graph that represents the automaton.

What makes a path “satisfactory” doesn’t have a fixed meaning: it depends. To distinguish satisfactory from other paths, an acceptance condition is made part of an automaton description. It is common to call “accepting” a path that satisfies a given condition.

Traditionally, types of acceptance conditions have been associated with names of people: Buchi, Rabin, Streett, Muller (“parity” is an exception). Rabin and Streett correspond to the disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms of a temporal logic formula.

In the tulip.transys.automata module you will find subclasses of LabeledDiGraph that are geared towards describing sets in the style just mentioned. For example, the following code creates a Buchi automaton:

from tulip.transys import automata

g = automata.BA()
g.atomic_propositions.add_from(['a', 'b', 'c'])
g.states.accepting.add_from([1, 2])
g.add_edge(2, 2, letter={'a'})
g.add_edge(2, 0, letter={'b'})
g.add_edge(0, 1, letter={'a'})
g.add_edge(1, 1, letter={'a'})

A difference between transition systems and automata is that the former usually have labeling on nodes, the latter on edges. Historically, this is due to how algorithms for enumerated model checking evolved. It is only a matter of representation, not a feature of the sets that these data structures describe.

5.4. Transducers (Machines)

A transducer represents a function from finite sequences of input (say symbols typed on a keyboard), to the next output (say screen color). So, a transducer is an implementation, described in a way that is executable (step-by-step). It differs from the above mainly programmatically.

If the design intent is described with a specification that is not itself the implementation, then (automated) synthesis can construct an implementation. Some forms of synthesis are available via tulip.synth. By convention, the constructed implementation is represented by machines.MealyMachine.

The Mealy machine for producing a sequence of alternating 0s and 1s has the form:

from tulip.transys import machines

g = machines.MealyMachine()
g.add_outputs(dict(sequence_element={0, 1}))
g.add_nodes_from([0, 1])
g.add_edge(0, 1, increment_index=1, sequence_element=0)
g.add_edge(1, 0, increment_index=1, sequence_element=1)

This Mealy machine is supposed to be “executed” as follows. It starts at node 0. It reads an element from the input sequence. The element is an assignment of values to identifiers. Here, the only input identifier (“port”) is 'increment_index'. Then, the machine picks an edge labeled with the given input assignment. The only such edge is (0, 1). The next node is 1.

The machine produces the next element of the output sequence. This element is an assignment to output identifiers. In our example, the assignment of value 0 to identifier 'sequence_element'. Since we just started running the machine g, this output assignment is the first element in the output sequence.

You can get all this done with:

v, d = g.reaction(0, dict(increment_index=1))

which returns v = 1 and d = dict(sequence_element=0).

The class machines.MooreMachine differs from a Mealy machine, in that it imposes that element k of the output sequence can depend only on elements before element k of the input sequence. Use machines.MealyMachine, because it is less restrictive.